Telos Weekly Conference Call
painting by Dr. Alan Walden, DC
~ Love ~
NOTE: If this page has not been updated, please go to
2nd SATURDAY TELOS Prayer Call ~
Facilitated by Marie Phillips (MI) and Sue Parry (UK)
Hello Everyone! Much Joy, Peace and Love to All!
This Saturday, March 29, 2025 we will join together as one heart on our Teleconference Call. We look forward to sharing the energy of Divine Love from our heart to your heart.
The Teleconference Number is: 1-712-775-8972; Code: 445613
Or you can use 1-302-202-1116; Code: 445613
***The United States and Canada have changed from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time on Sunday, March 9, 2025. The times are reflected below. Hawaii and Arizona remain on Standard Time. Arizona is reflected is MST and Hawaii is reflected in HST. This time change does affect the other time zones. Please note the time zones that you are in.
The times are: 6:00 a.m. (HST-Hawaii standard time); 9:00 a.m. (PDT); 9:00 a.m. (MST/Arizona); 10:00 a.m. (MDT); 11:00a.m. (CDT); 12:00 p.m. (EST); 4:00 p.m. (Wales, U.K. and Ireland time/GMT); 7:00 p.m. (Russian time/MST); 5:00 p.m. (Spain time/CET); 5:00 p.m. (Germany time/CET);
5:00 p.m. (France time); 9:30 p.m. (India time/IST); 1:00 p.m. (Brazil Standard Time); 3:00 a.m. (Friday) (Australia/AEST); 12:00 a.m. (Friday) (Perth, Australia); 2:30 a.m.(Friday) (Adelaide, Australia); 12:00 a.m. (Taiwan time); 5:00 p.m. (Italy); 5:00 p.m. (Netherlands); 5:00 p.m. (Belgium time);
12:00 p.m. (Venezuela Standard Time) ); 5:00 p.m. (Gauteng, South Africa); 1:00 a.m. (Japan/JST); 1:00 p.m. (Chile/CLT); 5:00 p.m. (Denmark);
5:00 p.m. (Sweden); 10:00 a.m. (Guatemala City, Central America); 12 noon (Quebec, Canada); 8:00 p.m. (Baku, Azerbaijan); 1:00 p.m. (Argentina, South America); 10:00 a.m.(Alberta, Canada); 5:00 p.m. (Poland); 6:00 p.m. (Finland).
Each week Adama, Aurelia, Ahnahmar, the Elders of Telos, the Chohans of the seven rays, Angelic realm, Emissaries of Light, and Ancient ones of the Mu ship offer their guidance through the offering of tools, allowing the heart to bring forth the vibration of Love to all.
This week our topics are “Changing your vibration to love and Connection with the mighty I Am Presence.” The reference for this week is taken from Chapters 4, Ascension Flame and 7, Violet Flame located in the “The Seven Sacred Flames” book. We do suggest you read the reference for this week.
Marie Phillips and Sue Parry look forward to sharing the guidance, energy, and vibration with all who join us on the call. We ask that each person as guided on the call have a grounding stone, or crystal with them. We are all surrounded with such high vibrations on the call that it is beneficial to stay grounded so we can be present to receive all the Blessings and Pearls of Wisdom being given to us.
We look forward to being in our hearts together on this call.
With love and Blessings,
Marie Phillips ( and
Sue Parry (
**************The Telos Books and The Seven Sacred Flames books may be purchased at
Global Ascension Ceremony Invitation
February 20 , 2025
Always the 3rd Thursday of the month
Please note: if this has not been updated please go to
Hello All!
**Marie and Sue have recorded the Saturday call of February 15, 2025. It is now available to listen to using the following phone number and code: Phone number: 1-302-202-1115 Code: 33954179
This is a reminder for the Ascension Ceremony for Thursday, February 20, 2025.
Marie and Sue are looking forward to all of you being a part of this Ascension Ceremony.
If you have never attended an Ascension Ceremony, we suggest you read the information regarding the Ascension ceremony in the ‘Seven Sacred Flames’ book (chapter 4, Ascension Flame) or Volume 3 of the Telos book (chapter 15). You may also find the Ascension Ceremony information in ‘The Ascension Flame of Purification and Immortality’ book.
Ascension Ceremony
The Teleconference Number is: 1-712-775-8972; Code: 445613
Or you can use 1-302-202-1116; Code: 445613
February 20, 2025
The times are: 8:00 a.m. (HST-Hawaii standard time); 10:00 a.m. (PST); 11:00 a.m. (MST/Arizona); 11 a.m. (MST);12:00p.m. (CST); 1:00 p.m. (EST); 6:00 p.m. (Wales, U.K. and Ireland time/GMT); 9:00 p.m. (Russian/Ukraine time/MST);
7:00 p.m. (Spain time/CET); 8 p.m. (Israel time); 7 p.m. (Germany time/CET); 7:00 p.m. (France time); 11:30pm (India time/IST);3:00 p.m. (Brazil Standard Time); 2:00 a.m. (Perth, Australia); 5:00 a.m.(Friday) (Australia/AEST);
2:30 a.m.(Friday) (Adelaide, Australia); 1:00 a.m.(Friday) (Taiwan time); 7:00 p.m. (Cape Town, South Africa); 7:00 p.m.(Italy);7:00 p.m.(Netherlands); 7:00 p.m. (Belgium time);1:00 p.m. (Venezuela Standard Time) ); 7:00 p.m. (Gauteng, South Africa); 2:00 a.m.(Friday) (Japan/JST);
1:00 p.m. (Chile/CLT); 7:00 p.m. (Denmark); 7:00 p.m. (Sweden); 11:00 a.m. (Guatemala City, Central America); 1:00 p.m. (Quebec, Canada); 9:00 p.m. (Baku, Azerbaijan); 3:00 p.m. (Argentina, South America); 2:00 p.m. (Buenos Aires, Argentina); 11:00 a.m. (Alberta, Canada); 7:00 p.m. (Poland); 8:00 p.m. (Finland); 6:00 p.m. (Portugal).)
Ascension Ceremony
- Sound Gong 3 times to open the energy.
- Invocation opening prayer
- Grounding, tuning and protection prayer.
- Opening invocation: Page 34 in Ascension book
- Ascension Seat:
All will sit on Ascension seat while holding a crystal and state their prayer of intention at the same time.
We will allow approximately 5 minutes.
- All will Aum 3 times. Following that I will ring Tibetan bells 3 times.
- Invocation:
Pass out juice or water and have everyone hold their right hand up while invocation is given.
invocation is on page 37 in Ascension book. You will informed when to drink your juice or water.
- Special Prayer
- Final prayer and thank you prayer.
10 Ring Tibetan bells 3 times to close energy.
Many blessings,
Marie Phillips and Sue Parry
Marie Phillips (
Sue Parry (
*****Click here for the Ascension Ceremony agenda and guidelines.
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Seven Sacred Flames Guided Meditations On YouTube
For all seven animations, visit:
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Welcome to The Lemurian Connection!
The Lemurian Connection web site has been created to act as a focal point bringing together individuals from around the world who have a common interest in sharing information received from Telos and the Lemurian teachings, from Adama, the High Priest of Telos and the Ascended Masters. Coming together as Light workers from one aspect of “the Tree of Truth”, it is a great time to be alive, thrive and move forward toward an understanding of Ascension and the varying degrees of transformation, the knowing that we are ALL ONE.
The Lemurian Connection has no affiliation to any religion or sect, though one could say it is “spiritual” in nature, reflecting on higher dimensional thought. Our aim is to help each other in opening our collective creative consciousness, creating a world which enables us to live in peace and harmony, with a better understanding and perspective of the human fraternity. We strive for universal love and unity, regrouping all races and all nations into one big family in the heart of peace. The Lemurian Heart, the Heart-One-Heart, is rapidly awakening many on the planet, our Beloved Mother Earth.
Exploring the Connections
This web site is meant to be an international hub… a starting point to connect you to other web sites and resources that will assist you in your journey in the discovery of new ways of thinking.
General information on Telos, Lemuria and its teachings can be found on this site. You’ll discover a history about Lemuria, Telos the subterranean City of Light beneath Mount Shasta, Adama and Aurelia Louise Jones, author of the Telos Books and The Seven Sacred Flames. You can then branch out to linked sites for additional resources in your area and/or field of interest.
To Order Telos Books, The Seven Sacred Flames ,Meditation CDs, Card Decks and more!
Please visit our sister site, Mount Shasta Light Publishing where we offer a list of outstanding life-changing books, and an on-line store with a secure shopping cart.
Adama painting by artist Glenda Green
Heart in Logo by artist Dr. Alan Walden
Read MoreAutumn Greetings
It is not our beautiful planet that is beleagured.
It is our humanity with its variedness of HEART.
Each breath holds the restored, renewed, powerful essence of LIVING LOVE.
Each is a new beginning cloaked in the GRACE OF ALL THAT IS, THE ONE continual constant.
Celebrating Aurelia and YOU!
Celebrating Aurelia and YOU!
Each and Everyone of YOU!
Click here: This year marks the 10th year of Aurelia’s passing…
Read MoreAurelia Louise Jones
Aurelia Louise Jones
Thank you, Aurelia! … for the heart opening legacy that remains with us.
In Gratitude~
Message from Adama
Dear Lemurian hearts,
To celebrate Springtime and take advantage of the Spring energies, here is Adama’s monthly message for April 2018.
Message transmitted by Denise Laberge
Telos Worldwide Foundation
Your Inner Universe is a Fertile Ground
I AM Adama, the Faithful One,
Faithful to all whom my heart has loved for a very long time
Dear Beloved of the Light, it is an important time for each of you to truly examine the way you treat yourself, the way you consider and see yourself.
Are the thoughts that you hold when you think of yourself always infused with love? What language do you use when you speak to yourself or when you observe yourself? What is the nature of these words?
Why is this important?
If you took some time each day to really examine yourself, to listen and feel these words that are inside of you, you would quickly discover the nature of the inner beliefs that you still hold about yourself and about life.
Why is this important?
To help you more deeply understand this question, I could also ask you these next questions: Are you happy? Do you find life beautiful? Your life beautiful?
You see it’s entirely due to your way of thinking, of judging, of deciding, of comparing and of believing that has right up until this very moment defined your life exactly as it is right now. And so we ask, is it important to be aware of each thought that can either nurture or deplete your life as they emanate from you? You cannot see as we do how these thoughts and beliefs color every aspect of your life. It is these very thoughts and beliefs that make you feel life the way you do when you first open your eyes in the morning.
Spring is a wonderful season, a season of renaissance. Why not take advantage of these energies? You inner Universe is a fertile ground. Your thoughts, your beliefs, your wounds, all of these are part of your inner Universe/ground and all these energies are malleable, you can manipulate and transform them to change your life!
This spring, you can use the Flame of Resurrection to re-activate and resuscitate your perfect life (blue print of perfection). Know that the image or ideal of your perfection is alive within you. Visualize the Flame of Resurrection, visualize its golden orange color envelop you and feel the perfection that you are for all eternity expand within you. Let it transform every aspect of your life, all your thoughts, your beliefs and your entire inner Universe.
With infinite love, I AM Adama, the eternal heart of living light
Message transmitted by D. Laberge – received March 26, 2018
Read MoreMarch Miracles
A Message from Adama
Transmitted by Denise Laberge
Telos Worldwide Foundation
Understanding Life
I AM Adama, the Grand One
Indeed, are we not all Grand, each one of us an example of the Flame of Eternal Life ?
- I Am aware of who I AM
- I Am aware of the Love that radiates within my heart
- I AM aware of the Life that manifests through me
To attain this level of consciousness, Beloveds, I had to one day stop and make a choice. I had the choice to continue my life as I had been living it for ages, or to make the choice to walk into the unknown, into the true frequency of the Life within me with determination and a deep faith, while knowing that by choosing this path I would not walk alone, but accompanied by all the dimensions of Life that would sustain me. These dimensions of Life include all the visible and invisible manifestations from which I had been evolving. This choice that I had made at that moment was the culmination of much research in this great adventure of life for which the goal was to understand Life, my Life. To understand Life, these very simple words that are often shrouded with great mystery for many of the children of the One Source here in incarnation.
I could also alternatively write: understanding Source, understanding Love, understanding Joy, Understanding Freedom. All of these expressions speak of a perception of what defines a part of Life. I could also write, understanding pain, understanding sadness, understanding despair; these perceptions describe other aspects of what can define Life. And finally I could write, understanding the shame that I feel once I evoke certain cellular memories or certain spoken words, or understanding the Joy that shines in my eyes when I contemplate the face of my child, or when I contemplate the bond of love that unites me to my little cat. Understanding Life, my dear children, real Life, is to know how to welcome all these colors, all the flavors of Life that are manifesting themselves in your life, or rather in your interior Universe and to know deeply within you that all of this is part of your Life, of the real Life within you. All of this is part of your learning and is part of the path that leads you to your perfection.
You have the power to choose and to play with all these colors and flavors and vibratory frequencies. Your Life, my dear children, is only and will always be, all that is occurring inside of you, meaning your manner of choosing and of living your energies. These energies that are your emotions, your thoughts and your perception of all that surrounds you. Your Life is your interior Universe and nothing more. I invite you to explore it. All that inhabits your exterior life exists for one single goal, to help make you aware of the nature of this interior Universe, that is to say, what you have accepted to believe and this from your list of perceived truths, truths that are unique to you!
Because you are One with the Great Life, you are the incarnation of this Universe of infinite possibilities. All is possible to the Great Life that lives within you. I invite you to open your heart to this Truth: you are a child of the All that is possible.
I am Adama, the Grand One, recognizing and admiring the Grandness that lies within you.
Message transmitted by D. Laberge
(If you have any questions for Denise, you may contact her at
Read MoreJanuary 2018 Message from Adama
Message from Adama for January 2018, received Jan 5th, 2018
The Ardent Flame of your Heart
I Am Adama, the Wise One
I salute you dear Children. At the beginning of this New Year, I am addressing myself to the part of you that is thirsty for Light and Love. In the center of your heart, there is a burning chalice, the one that is fed by the Great Life. This chalice is in need of your attention and your love so that its heat and its potent fire can envelop and transform you.
Yes, the energies are present. Yes, Mother Earth is accelerating her vibrational frequency and yes, Love will reign in this world. There are many affirmatives that are supporting you and yet….what are you still missing my dear children, before you can feel that you have the power to walk on water and to manifest your dreams in this world?
What is missing is this ardent flame, this love of life, this admiration in front of the magic of life that is unfolding all around you. In 2018, you will need this burning chalice to welcome with grace the winds of change that will blow on you and all around you. In 2018 you will need this ardent flame to welcome with grace the winds of change that will blow over you and your world. You are invited to nurture this inextinguishable flame within your heart, the flame of your faith and of your determination. While reading these words, do you feel the living embers of Life in you or do you feel the cold of the ashes too long cooled from lack of fire?
You have accumulated a lot of experiences, made a lot of choices up until this day. Choose the effervescence of Life, of Faith, of Courage and of Determination. Maintain the ardent fires of your dreams, of your hopes, knowing that you are for all eternity, guided by the infinite love of the One Source. Nothing has been left to hazard in your life: your lessons, your challenges, your choices, all of this has been prepared and planned with great Love.
You are the magnificent project for which you have been born.
In 2018, I invite you to realize that all this is around you has only one function: to help you to discover the beauty you hold within you and the power that resides within you. I now repeat to you: you ARE the goal of your incarnation, the ultimate goal, all the rest is but accessory.
Do not allow exterior events to extinguish the fires of your Life. Maintain this living link that unites you to the Great Life with awareness. Have faith and move forward with an unshakable faith.
With Infinite Love, I AM Adama, your brother.
Message transmitted by Denise Laberge
Telos Worldwide Foundation, Montreal
August Message from Adama 2017
A Fresh Look
I Am Adama your brother,
Dear beloveds of the loving heart of Creation, I am addressing myself to you today by using these simple words. Words that you will each interpret in your own fashion, according to your own understanding and the personal definition that you normally attach to each word and concept.
The utilization of words partly explains the difficulties of communication that can sometimes arise amongst all children of the Earth. To these words, we now add the concept of body language and the vibrational frequency of the emotions that come to charge these very words with an energy that can be interpreted differently following the culture, tradition and education of all the people that are implied. Different interpretations can easily arise from a simple statement that was made in a given context.
I invite you today to experiment communication from the heart. This communication dear beloveds, is possible only if you consider that he or she who is before you (even if at first sight this person seems different from you as they are seemingly outside of you) is a person like you who is seeking to understand (or not) life, their life; that is also looking for happiness, that is hungry, that needs a roof over their head, that wants to be loved, a being profoundly similar to you yourself with needs. A being who is learning life in their own manner, at their own speed, with the means that are unique to him/her; that is with means, situations and different relationships than yours (seemingly) but also a being caught up in the world of 3D, with its limitations, fears and lack of love.
When you commune with this vision, this understanding, you position yourself in an energy of compassion, of understanding of non-judgement and of acceptance of the other. It is this energy emanating from you that allows communication from the heart.
Please know that your manner of perceiving and of looking at things is a living and acting energy. The person in front of you, perceives, receives and reacts to this energy. The reality of this communication is that, two universes are meeting each other, two energetic and living universes. All of your subtle bodies as well as your physical body feels this contact and the subtle exchanges of this energetic connection.
And so, beloved of the Earth, this fresh look that you take determines the type of communication that you have with all that surrounds you, including your brothers and sisters from all kingdoms.
This heart inside of you, understands and accepts with an infinite love the life within self and all around itself in total acceptance of all that is. This heart in you welcomes life, and life is simple to the heart. For the heart, all communication is simple because it is without judgement and without expectations. This heart in you is a powerful partner in the transformation of the way you look at yourself and at all Creation.
It is Grace that I wish for you in this moment of eternity where all is possible. With an infinite and respectful love, we have communicated.
I Am Adama
Message received by
Denise Laberge, Telos Worldwide Foundation
Read MoreMessage from Paul the Venetian~The Pink Flame of Cosmic Love
An EXCERPT from the channeling presented by Denise Laberge on July 19, 2016, in la Molina, Spain.
The Pink Flame of Cosmic Love
I am Paul the Venetian
The energy of love is an energy that supports life and the expansion of life. We could even say that it is life in action.
Very few children of God can define or even have an idea of what life is. When you ask this question to a human, he will always reply by using words that describe an action in his own world. For example: the plant that grows, the wind in the trees, a smile on a face, the song of birds; or even love, courage. In fact, all these words describe realities based on feelings from his personal observations, etc.
This definition is valid because life and love are interrelated. All these words and expressions are also part of life. However, each individual describes life according to his own evolution, his understanding of himself and his world.
The Love-light is alive and active when it is transmitted with intention and will. When you transmit it in consciousness in order to communicate with an object or a situation, your consciousness encompasses this object or situation and it is now part of your consciousness and you become one. You are always your own consciousness, but you have widened the action field of your consciousness to include and come into contact with an external energy that can be near or further away. This is done in order to come into contact with yourself, your individual consciousness.
Love-light is a way to get acquainted with the universe and to become known by another part/person/being in the Universe. It is the heart that makes contact with another heart and that allows the contact, the understanding, the exchange. Your energetic signature is in this love-light, which is the reflection of who you are in all your aspects. It is the fusion of the life energies that come into contact and learn.
The more a being elevates himself spiritually (in consciousness), the more he can include a greater world in his consciousness. The less a being is awake, spiritually speaking, the more his consciousness is “glued” to himself. He cannot encompass in his perceptions all that is around or external to him.
The consciousness of Mother Earth includes her whole body, the bodies of its inhabitants, and even more.
To make a true contact with another person, make it a habit to surround the person with your love-light and you will see a considerable difference in the behaviour of people. Everyone feels what a person transmits to someone else, either consciously or not. The person does not know this consciously, but the soul feels it. The Flames represent a frequency of love-light, as love always favours the blossoming of consciousness, of life, and of all that is in balance.
A quality is an energy frequency that is in harmony. A non-quality is an energy frequency out of balance. Love is a frequency always in balance and so all that is in its field of action finds itself in the same balance, which consequently creates beauty and harmony.What is in unbalance cannot create beauty.
In balance, the forces of structure, order, expansion and change create harmony allowing the expansion of life, the creation of forms, etc. Love-light is an energy that is active and alive, it is not stagnant.
With all my love, Paul the Venetian
Channeled by Denise Laberge:
Read MoreMessage from Lord Lanto~ The Illumination Flame
The Illumination Flame
Channel Denise Laberge
Telos Worldwide Foundation
I Am Lord Lanto,
The Illumination Flame is a flame that sheds light and allows us to see and understand everything at once.
In the dark, you cannot distinguish the contents of a room. However, if you light up a candle, everything is revealed and you can then move easily around, observe and explore its treasures, etc.
The Illumination Flame has the same effect. It allows you to cast new eyes on a situation, a person, a relationship, an object, a dimension, a planet, etc. It allows you to contemplate things under a new angle and this new perspective brings a new understanding. It broadens your view and, symbolically speaking, lets you discover new territories.
The Illumination Flame sends a signal to all creation and it tells the universe that a child of the Source wants to awaken, explore life from the heart.
When using the Illumination Flame, you emit a love frequency that seeks a person who wants to explore and awaken. All consciousness in the creation feel this impulse. According to the present moment and your stage of evolution, an energy consciousness picks up your call and your intention. It will then come to inspire you. This energy-consciousness can be an angel, a guide, your Higher Self, Mother Earth, the Source, etc. Be assured that the forthcoming inspiration will be appropriate. The universe knows you and it is pure intelligence; the Flame will work on you. It is possible that you will not feel anything, but that’s not important. Be assured that the understanding, the answer is about to make its way from the response region of the universe to your individual intuitive region.
Here are some examples where the Illumination Flame can be used.
1. You can use it for your personal life, the subconscious, your past and your incarnations.
2. It is important to set an intention and to address this intention with the Illumination Flame. Imagine and feel the flame, very active, enveloping the whole situation. Feel the energies of understanding coming inside you. These energies bring you the clarity needed to face a situation, an emotion, a discomfort.
3. Imagine the Illumination Flame active around you all day because It lives in you and you are God’s intelligence in action making this truth and this energy grow inside you.
4. Before starting your work, a meeting, take a few minutes to wrap yourself in the Illumination Flame; and feel its action and inspiration in everyone.
5. Use the Illumination Flame to envelop government leaders so that divine decisions can be made.
With all my love, I am Lord Lanto”
Read MoreAurelia Louise Jones…Heartfelt Gratitude
Aurelia Louise Jones
We celebrate this month honoring Aurelia
and the beautiful messages she brought forth from Adama and the Ascended Masters
in her amazing books, TELOS, VOL. 1, 2 and 3, as well as THE SEVEN SACRED FLAMES.
The Lemurian messages from TELOS inspire us to awaken to our own divinity, find our voice of Truth
and recognize that living in full transparency as an authentic Human Being is not only possible,
it is who and what we are!
Thank you to all of you who have sent your blessings of gratitude in celebration of Aurelia’s books and her mission, as well as the wonderful Initiatic Journeys she created in Mount Shasta, CA, to assist all of us in our journey back to ourselves, feeling the love and support from Adama, all of Telos and the Ascended Masters…knowing that one day we will reconnect with all of our brothers and sisters and All Life as we understand and live more fully in an ascended state of Beingness.
One of the participants in an Initiatic Journey 2008 wrote the following:
I first met Aurelia at an Initiatic Journey week in the summer of 2008 and have been constantly using the Seven Sacred Flames readings since then. They have been so important to my path, and I am so grateful to have met Aurelia and through her, to have gained access to all the Ascended Masters.
I celebrate her life and achievements today. I know she is in unity with the Fifth Estate and I look forward to seeing her again someday soon.
Click here to read more about Aurelia Louise Jones
Read MoreMarch Message from Adama
Channeled by Denise Laberge
Telos Worldwide Foundation
Montreal, Canada
I Am Adama, your brother forever
The month of March means the arrival of spring. This new cycle starts with an explosion of nature all around you. The birds sings, the trees adorn themselves with their beautiful green foliage; life manifests itself with its colors, its light, its softness after the long winter. It is a rebirth.
Dear children of the Light, know that this cycle does not exist only outside of you. Everything is connected and you are an integral part of this rebirth. This year, associate yourself with this great movement surrounding you. See yourself as a plant or a tree awakening with this life energy. Every morning, during this resurrection period, take the time to feel the spring energy flowing into your feet, your chakras, your skin, in all that you are. Feel that this intelligent energy is nourishing you from within. Feel that the divinity in you perceives and welcomes this energy. You do not know the project details but for the first time in your multiple lives, you choose to take advantage of the intelligence and wisdom of the Great Life. You choose to trust it and finally let it support your awakening.
You are not separated from the great resurrection movement of nature, my dear children. Until now, you have always been satisfied to admire the power and the strength of nature around you. Today I invite you to see and feel that you are part of this movement. You’re not separated from it. You can associate yourself with that power and use it for your own transformation.
I invite you to think, believe and feel that everything is interconnected, that this very powerful nature is at your service just as it is at the service of all living beings in this dimension. Say yes to the reunion of the hearts, of your heart with the great life movement. Stop seeing nature as a space outside yourself from which you are separated. You are the nature, you are part of it. I invite you to accept this concept and finally enjoy the magic and the love from this nature.
Nature invites you, in fact she implores you, with love and infinite tenderness, to welcome her in your hearts, in your life. United in this movement, everything becomes possible for you.
I Am Adama, conscious of the eternal spring
– See more at:
February Message from Adama
Channeled by Denise Laberge
Telos Worldwide Foundation
Montreal, Canada
I Am Adama, the one who observes:
I invite you dear children to become observers, to become conscious observers of your thoughts, your emotions, your actions and your words. I invite you to the greatest adventure of your life without you realizing it fully. Being an observer means to be the one who watches and sees. You may say that it is an almost impossible task. I promise you that it is possible and easy. Just take it as a game and, to make it more interesting, just make the rules yourself. Here is an example of a rule: this morning, during the work group meeting, I will watch my inner language; when riding the bus today, I will examine the thoughts running through my mind. You see, it is to downplay the drama and to just have fun: the fun to discover yourself, the fun to discover your behavior throughout the day. I invite you to see all this as a self-discovery exercise, as a great game that will take you, little by little, one small step at a time, towards the discovery of yourself, of these energies or consciousness that inhabit and manipulate you. We are talking about manipulation, manipulation on your part against yourself, manipulation by your mind against your heart, against this Being that you really are inside.
My dear children, the first step towards your true freedom is the step you take in daring to stop and daring to listen, feeling all that you impose to yourself that does not come from you, from your true, kind and loving Being, who is not even allowed to have its own thoughts. Your true nature is love, respect and sharing. Are these the values your thoughts, your actions and your words convey all the time?
My dear children, do you realize how you are living under the influence of beliefs and limitations imposed by the 3D and by the density? The first step to take in order to move towards the consciousness of the new Earth is to learn living your life according to the core beliefs of your heart.
Who are you, who are you really? Do you know? If you wish to answer this question, you simply have to choose living your life according to your heart, according to what you feel is true and important to you.
Dear Children of the Earth, I invite you to the greatest adventure of your life. It begins softly, discreetly, one thought at a time, one emotion at a time. With love, we support you by enveloping you with the energy of our liberated hearts.
I Am Adama, the eternal observer –
See more at: Telos Worldwide Foundation
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October Channeled Message from Adama
Channeled by Denise Laberge of Montreal
Telos-World Wide Foundation
Children of the Earth, of this dimension, of the eternal Light, I am your brother Adama. You know my name and my heart because in this universe, we all belong to the One Heart. I invite you to go into this Heart of yours, to feel its beat, to feel the life that is running through you. This Heart inside you my friends, knows you intimately. It carries the signature of all your experiences, all your identities and all your dreams. So I, your brother standing before you, ask you this question: “Do you know why you have incarnated in this life? Do you really know it? Are you really living it?” A heart living its passion is joyful and it spreads enthusiasm and life all around. I will ask you another question: “Do you feel this joyful heart inside you, do you feel that you are spreading waves of love from this joy living inside you?” If your answer is yes to these questions then you are already living your passion, you are letting the inner voice and the song in your Heart guide you through life. You are realizing the purpose of your life. You are living it because you feel within you what you have to do, what brings you joy.
However, you may ask yourself the question: “Am I really living this passion, is this joy alive in me?” and perhaps you do not know yet. Do you realize that 99.9% of humanity does not live its passion? Most humans live by the popular beliefs of the third dimension, beliefs that have been implanted in this dimension by force, manipulation and control. And you, who are you? You are the gems, the diamonds that came to shine the Light of your heart in this density. Are you really doing this my children? That is the question!
So I ask you: are you ready to learn to live according to your Heart, to listen to the sound of your inner voice, to your intuition? Are you ready to admit that you are the absolute master of your life and that you alone hold the key to your true life, the one that allows you to explore the great joy of your heart? For most of you now, these are just words.
As of now, I invite you to welcome the Resurrection Light which is searching for kind hearts, which is looking for a nest of love and hospitality in the heart of man. The Resurrection energies are presently pouring on all mankind, on the whole planet, not only on the human race but also on all the kingdoms that inhabit this Earth.
Are you ready to learn to live differently, to live according to what you feel inside of you and not by the cultural norm to which you belong, not by the collective consciousness standard? We need pure and brave hearts who remember that life is easy, that it can be magical, that it is perfection in itself and that you belong to that perfection. We are looking for brave hearts who are not afraid to live differently, to live against the grain of popular belief. We are looking for brave hearts who are not afraid to show their colour, the colour of the love that lives within them. We are looking for your Hearts my dear children. Do you accept and welcome this new energy that is coming towards you? Do you consider yourself as the Sacred Cup ready to receive the Resurrection energy? Do you consider yourself worthy of this honour, worthy of the great life that comes to resurrect you?
I invite you to answer YES to these questions because you are worthy, the great life already exists within you and you are the tool for the resurrection of Consciousness in this world. You are all of this, each of you, in your own special way. You only have to welcome it, to accept it deep within yourself. Every time you say yes to this invitation, every time you acknowledge yourself to be of the Light lineage; you allow this light to grow in you, to participate in your transformation from the inside. It’s so simple and yet it requires courage and determination. It requires trust in the great plan. It requires acceptance that it is the great consciousness that lives within you and uses each of you to bring more love into this dimension, each in your own way with everything that you are. It’s all about consciousness my children, understanding, wider perspective, acceptance; saying yes to the miracle, the unlimited, the freedom, the infinite. All this is possible for each of you in this life, now, with all that you are now.
Listen! Listen to this Heart inside you! Everything becomes easy when it is done from the Heart, from the love within you. Nobody asks you to reinvent the wheel. The only thing you need to reinvent is yourself, the way you look at yourself and live; to reinvent your life so that you associate yourself with the power and the force of the great Life in action on this Earth now.
Every time you take a step toward yourself, toward your Heart, you shake all humanity; all the hearts of humanity feel it. This Heart inside you is the unfolding of the consciousness One, the Source within you. Will you dare accept it and believe it? That is the question of the moment. Do you really accept it in your heart? I invite you to appreciate this consciousness, this life within you because it is the Consciousness, the Great Life One of all creation. Nothing can separate you from that consciousness. Nothing can separate you from the Great Life. You are part of it. So the more you welcome this truth in yourself, the more it will grow in you and the more you will marvel at the magic of this power living inside you.
This is my invitation to you. I invite you to walk toward yourself, to grow with yourself, to feel the magic of this dimension because it is really transforming itself thanks to your work and the work of millions of others on Earth.
I encourage you to install the energies of the 5th dimension in your house, your apartment, your office. I invite you to create a paradise of Light and Love wherever you are, wherever you work. I invite you to create a new world with all the beings of the dimensions of Light who accompany you. With these words, breathe the energies of the 5th dimension, breathe the energies of your transformation, breathe the energies of eternity that touch your heart and your consciousness.
I am Adama, the one who dared to speak to your Heart in order to open its great door of enlightenment.
Read MoreJanuary Message 2014
Channeled by Jennie Philipponnat
Master Kuthumi,
Beloved Hearts,
I have come before you today, bringing forth for you this very special opportunity to enfold with the Golden consciousness in Light. In doing so, beloveds, know that your homecoming is True. The awakening that you are preparing is a merging with the Self as the state of consciousness that you originally Are.
The energies at the end of January and beginning of February with-hold the Flame of the restoration of the DNA-codes of the Truth that you are. With the purification of the Ascension flame and the holiness of the Golden flame, you now have the possibility to completely reconstruct your spine, just simply by leaving your story, as is has been, as a human upon the earth. Know my Love, that the true ending of the whole incarnation cycle is here. There is nothing to hold on to anymore, there is nothing to be taken with when arising in consciousness.
The Ascension flame together with the Golden flame create space for you in your spine. And within that space, the breath of God can be taken. It is reawakening within, building up a new momentum of light in Truth. This will affect all of the physical organs of the body that you are shining through and will start changing the whole of your chakra system very rapidly. At the same time, it creates a tremendous freedom within your heart, freedom from the restricted mind, freedom from the prison of feelings, which are no-longer necessary to with-hold within.
We, the Ascended masters call this the re-birth WITHIN, and we ask you to contemplate the meaning of this wonderful tools, now spoken, written to you in words that your true Heart can understand.
May you be embraced with the most wonderful frequency of liberation in Love!
May you soon be free from all that you are not!
May the gate to your innermost being be found, for it is right here, right now, where you are!
Allow these frequencies of grace be showered upon you at each moment as the Mother Earth is rejoicing Life within Her form!
I am Kuthumi, the Love for Life.