Message from Adama
Dear Lemurian hearts,
To celebrate Springtime and take advantage of the Spring energies, here is Adama’s monthly message for April 2018.
Message transmitted by Denise Laberge
Telos Worldwide Foundation
Your Inner Universe is a Fertile Ground
I AM Adama, the Faithful One,
Faithful to all whom my heart has loved for a very long time
Dear Beloved of the Light, it is an important time for each of you to truly examine the way you treat yourself, the way you consider and see yourself.
Are the thoughts that you hold when you think of yourself always infused with love? What language do you use when you speak to yourself or when you observe yourself? What is the nature of these words?
Why is this important?
If you took some time each day to really examine yourself, to listen and feel these words that are inside of you, you would quickly discover the nature of the inner beliefs that you still hold about yourself and about life.
Why is this important?
To help you more deeply understand this question, I could also ask you these next questions: Are you happy? Do you find life beautiful? Your life beautiful?
You see it’s entirely due to your way of thinking, of judging, of deciding, of comparing and of believing that has right up until this very moment defined your life exactly as it is right now. And so we ask, is it important to be aware of each thought that can either nurture or deplete your life as they emanate from you? You cannot see as we do how these thoughts and beliefs color every aspect of your life. It is these very thoughts and beliefs that make you feel life the way you do when you first open your eyes in the morning.
Spring is a wonderful season, a season of renaissance. Why not take advantage of these energies? You inner Universe is a fertile ground. Your thoughts, your beliefs, your wounds, all of these are part of your inner Universe/ground and all these energies are malleable, you can manipulate and transform them to change your life!
This spring, you can use the Flame of Resurrection to re-activate and resuscitate your perfect life (blue print of perfection). Know that the image or ideal of your perfection is alive within you. Visualize the Flame of Resurrection, visualize its golden orange color envelop you and feel the perfection that you are for all eternity expand within you. Let it transform every aspect of your life, all your thoughts, your beliefs and your entire inner Universe.
With infinite love, I AM Adama, the eternal heart of living light
Message transmitted by D. Laberge – received March 26, 2018
Read MoreJanuary 2018 Message from Adama
Message from Adama for January 2018, received Jan 5th, 2018
The Ardent Flame of your Heart
I Am Adama, the Wise One
I salute you dear Children. At the beginning of this New Year, I am addressing myself to the part of you that is thirsty for Light and Love. In the center of your heart, there is a burning chalice, the one that is fed by the Great Life. This chalice is in need of your attention and your love so that its heat and its potent fire can envelop and transform you.
Yes, the energies are present. Yes, Mother Earth is accelerating her vibrational frequency and yes, Love will reign in this world. There are many affirmatives that are supporting you and yet….what are you still missing my dear children, before you can feel that you have the power to walk on water and to manifest your dreams in this world?
What is missing is this ardent flame, this love of life, this admiration in front of the magic of life that is unfolding all around you. In 2018, you will need this burning chalice to welcome with grace the winds of change that will blow on you and all around you. In 2018 you will need this ardent flame to welcome with grace the winds of change that will blow over you and your world. You are invited to nurture this inextinguishable flame within your heart, the flame of your faith and of your determination. While reading these words, do you feel the living embers of Life in you or do you feel the cold of the ashes too long cooled from lack of fire?
You have accumulated a lot of experiences, made a lot of choices up until this day. Choose the effervescence of Life, of Faith, of Courage and of Determination. Maintain the ardent fires of your dreams, of your hopes, knowing that you are for all eternity, guided by the infinite love of the One Source. Nothing has been left to hazard in your life: your lessons, your challenges, your choices, all of this has been prepared and planned with great Love.
You are the magnificent project for which you have been born.
In 2018, I invite you to realize that all this is around you has only one function: to help you to discover the beauty you hold within you and the power that resides within you. I now repeat to you: you ARE the goal of your incarnation, the ultimate goal, all the rest is but accessory.
Do not allow exterior events to extinguish the fires of your Life. Maintain this living link that unites you to the Great Life with awareness. Have faith and move forward with an unshakable faith.
With Infinite Love, I AM Adama, your brother.
Message transmitted by Denise Laberge
Telos Worldwide Foundation, Montreal
August Message from Adama 2017
A Fresh Look
I Am Adama your brother,
Dear beloveds of the loving heart of Creation, I am addressing myself to you today by using these simple words. Words that you will each interpret in your own fashion, according to your own understanding and the personal definition that you normally attach to each word and concept.
The utilization of words partly explains the difficulties of communication that can sometimes arise amongst all children of the Earth. To these words, we now add the concept of body language and the vibrational frequency of the emotions that come to charge these very words with an energy that can be interpreted differently following the culture, tradition and education of all the people that are implied. Different interpretations can easily arise from a simple statement that was made in a given context.
I invite you today to experiment communication from the heart. This communication dear beloveds, is possible only if you consider that he or she who is before you (even if at first sight this person seems different from you as they are seemingly outside of you) is a person like you who is seeking to understand (or not) life, their life; that is also looking for happiness, that is hungry, that needs a roof over their head, that wants to be loved, a being profoundly similar to you yourself with needs. A being who is learning life in their own manner, at their own speed, with the means that are unique to him/her; that is with means, situations and different relationships than yours (seemingly) but also a being caught up in the world of 3D, with its limitations, fears and lack of love.
When you commune with this vision, this understanding, you position yourself in an energy of compassion, of understanding of non-judgement and of acceptance of the other. It is this energy emanating from you that allows communication from the heart.
Please know that your manner of perceiving and of looking at things is a living and acting energy. The person in front of you, perceives, receives and reacts to this energy. The reality of this communication is that, two universes are meeting each other, two energetic and living universes. All of your subtle bodies as well as your physical body feels this contact and the subtle exchanges of this energetic connection.
And so, beloved of the Earth, this fresh look that you take determines the type of communication that you have with all that surrounds you, including your brothers and sisters from all kingdoms.
This heart inside of you, understands and accepts with an infinite love the life within self and all around itself in total acceptance of all that is. This heart in you welcomes life, and life is simple to the heart. For the heart, all communication is simple because it is without judgement and without expectations. This heart in you is a powerful partner in the transformation of the way you look at yourself and at all Creation.
It is Grace that I wish for you in this moment of eternity where all is possible. With an infinite and respectful love, we have communicated.
I Am Adama
Message received by
Denise Laberge, Telos Worldwide Foundation
Read MoreMessage from Lord Lanto~ The Illumination Flame
The Illumination Flame
Channel Denise Laberge
Telos Worldwide Foundation
I Am Lord Lanto,
The Illumination Flame is a flame that sheds light and allows us to see and understand everything at once.
In the dark, you cannot distinguish the contents of a room. However, if you light up a candle, everything is revealed and you can then move easily around, observe and explore its treasures, etc.
The Illumination Flame has the same effect. It allows you to cast new eyes on a situation, a person, a relationship, an object, a dimension, a planet, etc. It allows you to contemplate things under a new angle and this new perspective brings a new understanding. It broadens your view and, symbolically speaking, lets you discover new territories.
The Illumination Flame sends a signal to all creation and it tells the universe that a child of the Source wants to awaken, explore life from the heart.
When using the Illumination Flame, you emit a love frequency that seeks a person who wants to explore and awaken. All consciousness in the creation feel this impulse. According to the present moment and your stage of evolution, an energy consciousness picks up your call and your intention. It will then come to inspire you. This energy-consciousness can be an angel, a guide, your Higher Self, Mother Earth, the Source, etc. Be assured that the forthcoming inspiration will be appropriate. The universe knows you and it is pure intelligence; the Flame will work on you. It is possible that you will not feel anything, but that’s not important. Be assured that the understanding, the answer is about to make its way from the response region of the universe to your individual intuitive region.
Here are some examples where the Illumination Flame can be used.
1. You can use it for your personal life, the subconscious, your past and your incarnations.
2. It is important to set an intention and to address this intention with the Illumination Flame. Imagine and feel the flame, very active, enveloping the whole situation. Feel the energies of understanding coming inside you. These energies bring you the clarity needed to face a situation, an emotion, a discomfort.
3. Imagine the Illumination Flame active around you all day because It lives in you and you are God’s intelligence in action making this truth and this energy grow inside you.
4. Before starting your work, a meeting, take a few minutes to wrap yourself in the Illumination Flame; and feel its action and inspiration in everyone.
5. Use the Illumination Flame to envelop government leaders so that divine decisions can be made.
With all my love, I am Lord Lanto”
Read MoreApril Message from Adama
Dear Friends, The Lemurian Connection’s theme for this year is
” The Year of Self Expression~Finding the Voice Within”
…Adama’s message below is another reminder of trusting and knowing that our inner voice wants to be heard. Our inner voice, the core being of who we are, is becoming more present as we open and expand our view of the Life. Blessings to each of you on your journey!
Channeled by Denise Laberge
Telos Worldwide Foundation
Montreal, Canada
I Am Adama,
Every one of you reading this message is enveloped and supported by my Loving heart. This message is charged with the energy of our hearts here in Telos as well with the energy of your own hearts.
Your heart speaks to you constantly and you are learning to listen to it. I invite you to anchor firmly in yourself the certainty, the belief that you are divinely guided towards your true heart. Your heart now wants to be heard. In several of your past lives, your heart was only a whisper, just audible enough to make you notice your difference with your brothers and sisters of the Earth. Well, that heart is now screaming! It is shouting its thirst for freedom, its thirst for happiness, for joy. It is talking about another way of life; it is talking to you about your own way to live your life.
Dear pioneers of the Christ Love, I invite you to acknowledge the great shifts in consciousness occurring within you. These heart impulses are prompting you to make changes; changes in attitudes, in beliefs, in habits. Stop denying what you deeply feel. These emotions, these feelings are talking about yourself, about your aspirations. An harmonization is currently developing, where your true Being will live from the heart in the energies of the new Earth. Your own energy grids are getting nearer and nearer to the ones of the 5th dimension, to eventually merge together. So the energies of the 5th dimension are coming towards you to help each of you recognize who you are.
In order to facilitate the harmonization of the Light energies, I invite you to trust the intelligence and the Love of the Great Life. I invite you to live this trust, to explore it and amplify it in your life, especially when the events occurring seem devoid of any sense. Trust in life, trust in the Source, trust in the Universe: choose the expression that makes your heart vibrate. It is trust that opens the large door of the 5th dimensional energies. So every night, take the time to review the events of your day to see their perfection and their guidance. This simple exercise will help you to further develop your trust in life. You will learn to recognize the all-powerful Love of your Divine Being, doing everything in its power to help you understand the laws of life that come to you, always with great precision and accuracy.
Knights of the Light, take refuge in this trust and do not let anything sway you away from the pathway of light on which you are walking. Know that with every step you take on this path, you are helping to transform this world which is in the grip of the illusion of separation. The fear vibration is incompatible with the vibration of your real and divine heart. As long as you accept fear in your life, without realizing it, you raise an impenetrable wall between your consciousness and your heart. Any fear vibration keeps you in separation.
Dear brave ones, choose to work with the Life, to open yourselves so that you can transform every fear in pure joy and freedom and to finally live the true Life.
I Am Adama, the one who knows you. May the enthusiasm of victory carry you forever!
Read MoreMarch Message from Adama
Channeled by Denise Laberge
Telos Worldwide Foundation
Montreal, Canada
I Am Adama, your brother forever
The month of March means the arrival of spring. This new cycle starts with an explosion of nature all around you. The birds sings, the trees adorn themselves with their beautiful green foliage; life manifests itself with its colors, its light, its softness after the long winter. It is a rebirth.
Dear children of the Light, know that this cycle does not exist only outside of you. Everything is connected and you are an integral part of this rebirth. This year, associate yourself with this great movement surrounding you. See yourself as a plant or a tree awakening with this life energy. Every morning, during this resurrection period, take the time to feel the spring energy flowing into your feet, your chakras, your skin, in all that you are. Feel that this intelligent energy is nourishing you from within. Feel that the divinity in you perceives and welcomes this energy. You do not know the project details but for the first time in your multiple lives, you choose to take advantage of the intelligence and wisdom of the Great Life. You choose to trust it and finally let it support your awakening.
You are not separated from the great resurrection movement of nature, my dear children. Until now, you have always been satisfied to admire the power and the strength of nature around you. Today I invite you to see and feel that you are part of this movement. You’re not separated from it. You can associate yourself with that power and use it for your own transformation.
I invite you to think, believe and feel that everything is interconnected, that this very powerful nature is at your service just as it is at the service of all living beings in this dimension. Say yes to the reunion of the hearts, of your heart with the great life movement. Stop seeing nature as a space outside yourself from which you are separated. You are the nature, you are part of it. I invite you to accept this concept and finally enjoy the magic and the love from this nature.
Nature invites you, in fact she implores you, with love and infinite tenderness, to welcome her in your hearts, in your life. United in this movement, everything becomes possible for you.
I Am Adama, conscious of the eternal spring
– See more at:
February Message from Adama
Channeled by Denise Laberge
Telos Worldwide Foundation
Montreal, Canada
I Am Adama, the one who observes:
I invite you dear children to become observers, to become conscious observers of your thoughts, your emotions, your actions and your words. I invite you to the greatest adventure of your life without you realizing it fully. Being an observer means to be the one who watches and sees. You may say that it is an almost impossible task. I promise you that it is possible and easy. Just take it as a game and, to make it more interesting, just make the rules yourself. Here is an example of a rule: this morning, during the work group meeting, I will watch my inner language; when riding the bus today, I will examine the thoughts running through my mind. You see, it is to downplay the drama and to just have fun: the fun to discover yourself, the fun to discover your behavior throughout the day. I invite you to see all this as a self-discovery exercise, as a great game that will take you, little by little, one small step at a time, towards the discovery of yourself, of these energies or consciousness that inhabit and manipulate you. We are talking about manipulation, manipulation on your part against yourself, manipulation by your mind against your heart, against this Being that you really are inside.
My dear children, the first step towards your true freedom is the step you take in daring to stop and daring to listen, feeling all that you impose to yourself that does not come from you, from your true, kind and loving Being, who is not even allowed to have its own thoughts. Your true nature is love, respect and sharing. Are these the values your thoughts, your actions and your words convey all the time?
My dear children, do you realize how you are living under the influence of beliefs and limitations imposed by the 3D and by the density? The first step to take in order to move towards the consciousness of the new Earth is to learn living your life according to the core beliefs of your heart.
Who are you, who are you really? Do you know? If you wish to answer this question, you simply have to choose living your life according to your heart, according to what you feel is true and important to you.
Dear Children of the Earth, I invite you to the greatest adventure of your life. It begins softly, discreetly, one thought at a time, one emotion at a time. With love, we support you by enveloping you with the energy of our liberated hearts.
I Am Adama, the eternal observer –
See more at: Telos Worldwide Foundation
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October Channeled Message from Adama
Channeled by Denise Laberge of Montreal
Telos-World Wide Foundation
Children of the Earth, of this dimension, of the eternal Light, I am your brother Adama. You know my name and my heart because in this universe, we all belong to the One Heart. I invite you to go into this Heart of yours, to feel its beat, to feel the life that is running through you. This Heart inside you my friends, knows you intimately. It carries the signature of all your experiences, all your identities and all your dreams. So I, your brother standing before you, ask you this question: “Do you know why you have incarnated in this life? Do you really know it? Are you really living it?” A heart living its passion is joyful and it spreads enthusiasm and life all around. I will ask you another question: “Do you feel this joyful heart inside you, do you feel that you are spreading waves of love from this joy living inside you?” If your answer is yes to these questions then you are already living your passion, you are letting the inner voice and the song in your Heart guide you through life. You are realizing the purpose of your life. You are living it because you feel within you what you have to do, what brings you joy.
However, you may ask yourself the question: “Am I really living this passion, is this joy alive in me?” and perhaps you do not know yet. Do you realize that 99.9% of humanity does not live its passion? Most humans live by the popular beliefs of the third dimension, beliefs that have been implanted in this dimension by force, manipulation and control. And you, who are you? You are the gems, the diamonds that came to shine the Light of your heart in this density. Are you really doing this my children? That is the question!
So I ask you: are you ready to learn to live according to your Heart, to listen to the sound of your inner voice, to your intuition? Are you ready to admit that you are the absolute master of your life and that you alone hold the key to your true life, the one that allows you to explore the great joy of your heart? For most of you now, these are just words.
As of now, I invite you to welcome the Resurrection Light which is searching for kind hearts, which is looking for a nest of love and hospitality in the heart of man. The Resurrection energies are presently pouring on all mankind, on the whole planet, not only on the human race but also on all the kingdoms that inhabit this Earth.
Are you ready to learn to live differently, to live according to what you feel inside of you and not by the cultural norm to which you belong, not by the collective consciousness standard? We need pure and brave hearts who remember that life is easy, that it can be magical, that it is perfection in itself and that you belong to that perfection. We are looking for brave hearts who are not afraid to live differently, to live against the grain of popular belief. We are looking for brave hearts who are not afraid to show their colour, the colour of the love that lives within them. We are looking for your Hearts my dear children. Do you accept and welcome this new energy that is coming towards you? Do you consider yourself as the Sacred Cup ready to receive the Resurrection energy? Do you consider yourself worthy of this honour, worthy of the great life that comes to resurrect you?
I invite you to answer YES to these questions because you are worthy, the great life already exists within you and you are the tool for the resurrection of Consciousness in this world. You are all of this, each of you, in your own special way. You only have to welcome it, to accept it deep within yourself. Every time you say yes to this invitation, every time you acknowledge yourself to be of the Light lineage; you allow this light to grow in you, to participate in your transformation from the inside. It’s so simple and yet it requires courage and determination. It requires trust in the great plan. It requires acceptance that it is the great consciousness that lives within you and uses each of you to bring more love into this dimension, each in your own way with everything that you are. It’s all about consciousness my children, understanding, wider perspective, acceptance; saying yes to the miracle, the unlimited, the freedom, the infinite. All this is possible for each of you in this life, now, with all that you are now.
Listen! Listen to this Heart inside you! Everything becomes easy when it is done from the Heart, from the love within you. Nobody asks you to reinvent the wheel. The only thing you need to reinvent is yourself, the way you look at yourself and live; to reinvent your life so that you associate yourself with the power and the force of the great Life in action on this Earth now.
Every time you take a step toward yourself, toward your Heart, you shake all humanity; all the hearts of humanity feel it. This Heart inside you is the unfolding of the consciousness One, the Source within you. Will you dare accept it and believe it? That is the question of the moment. Do you really accept it in your heart? I invite you to appreciate this consciousness, this life within you because it is the Consciousness, the Great Life One of all creation. Nothing can separate you from that consciousness. Nothing can separate you from the Great Life. You are part of it. So the more you welcome this truth in yourself, the more it will grow in you and the more you will marvel at the magic of this power living inside you.
This is my invitation to you. I invite you to walk toward yourself, to grow with yourself, to feel the magic of this dimension because it is really transforming itself thanks to your work and the work of millions of others on Earth.
I encourage you to install the energies of the 5th dimension in your house, your apartment, your office. I invite you to create a paradise of Light and Love wherever you are, wherever you work. I invite you to create a new world with all the beings of the dimensions of Light who accompany you. With these words, breathe the energies of the 5th dimension, breathe the energies of your transformation, breathe the energies of eternity that touch your heart and your consciousness.
I am Adama, the one who dared to speak to your Heart in order to open its great door of enlightenment.
Read MoreJanuary Message 2014
Channeled by Jennie Philipponnat
Master Kuthumi,
Beloved Hearts,
I have come before you today, bringing forth for you this very special opportunity to enfold with the Golden consciousness in Light. In doing so, beloveds, know that your homecoming is True. The awakening that you are preparing is a merging with the Self as the state of consciousness that you originally Are.
The energies at the end of January and beginning of February with-hold the Flame of the restoration of the DNA-codes of the Truth that you are. With the purification of the Ascension flame and the holiness of the Golden flame, you now have the possibility to completely reconstruct your spine, just simply by leaving your story, as is has been, as a human upon the earth. Know my Love, that the true ending of the whole incarnation cycle is here. There is nothing to hold on to anymore, there is nothing to be taken with when arising in consciousness.
The Ascension flame together with the Golden flame create space for you in your spine. And within that space, the breath of God can be taken. It is reawakening within, building up a new momentum of light in Truth. This will affect all of the physical organs of the body that you are shining through and will start changing the whole of your chakra system very rapidly. At the same time, it creates a tremendous freedom within your heart, freedom from the restricted mind, freedom from the prison of feelings, which are no-longer necessary to with-hold within.
We, the Ascended masters call this the re-birth WITHIN, and we ask you to contemplate the meaning of this wonderful tools, now spoken, written to you in words that your true Heart can understand.
May you be embraced with the most wonderful frequency of liberation in Love!
May you soon be free from all that you are not!
May the gate to your innermost being be found, for it is right here, right now, where you are!
Allow these frequencies of grace be showered upon you at each moment as the Mother Earth is rejoicing Life within Her form!
I am Kuthumi, the Love for Life.
December Message
December message from the Ascended Masters
Channeled by Jennie Philapponnat of Telos Finland
The Fire of Truth
Beloved Child of God,
Let me embrace you in my Everlasting Light. Let me evoke within you the most precious of desires to come, through the Gate of Love into the everlasting and glorious Being that You Are.
Come infront of my feet with only one desire, to burn in the fire of Truth, to purify all there is that you have been accustomed to as you. When this fire, the fire of Truth passes throughout your body and energyfield, it takes away all the dualistic way of thinking, all emotions and actions, all that is no longer desired within your heart. It purifies you and vanishes all that is of no importance to who You really are. And then, my Beloved Child, you are free, free to finally discover the reality that is yours to Be.
Enter into my Arms and let the Grace of Life touch every cell of your body. Be silent and hear the whispering song of your homecoming that runs within your very being and enlightens the inner body of yours. Let this transformation happen freely, without resistance, without control of any kind and trust in the process of Life unfolding infront of your very Eyes. Touch the infinite wisdom that is the base of all Truth, and Be one with This, for It is already here, in you, around you, everywhere and has always been.
Beloved, how can there be anything else than Love in You? How could there be wanted anything else than Love that is You? Trust this and enter fully into the preciousness of your Being.
Let Life unfold into the very source of You, into the True heart of Yours, the untouched, the unseen. Trust and let go.
This is your chance.
The moment is now.
I welcome you in.
I Am Presence.
Read MoreSpring Messages 1
Channeling through Denise Laberge – April 2013
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Read More“Harmony” a Main Key to Embody to Qualify for Ascension

Master Zohar through Aurelia Louise Jones
Zohar is a very ancient master from the city of Shamballa of the Earth’s interior. He tells me that he has been living 250,000 years in the same body. He measures around 15 feet in height, looks around 35 years of age, and has shining white hair. He added: not the kind of white hair caused by aging, but the kind resulting from the intensity of the white light within the heart. He is a scientist of nature and of creation, and has been living in the city of Shamballa most of his life. One of his favorite subjects is to talk about the quality of “harmony” as a main key to attain the level of consciousness to be admitted into the ascension celebration.
He is also one who has over-lighted with his presence, guided and assisted in the establishment of the city of Telos 12,000 years ago, when the Lemurians first moved there. He assisted and counseled them the 5,000 years prior to that, when they first began to prepare the city to be habitable, once they knew that their continent was destined to be destroyed.
Zohar tells me that in the beginning, no one in Shamballa knew for sure what could be expected from this new Lemurian civilization joining the Agartha network inside the Earth. It was decided then in Shamballa that the new comers needed to be monitored very closely.
Zohar tells me that after spending a lot of time in Telos, in the last 12,000 years, that he truly holds a great fondness for that city of Light and Love. What the Lemurians have achieved there in so little time comparing other earth’s interior civilizations who have been there much longer, surpasses by far all expectations that any planetary or intergalactic council could have ever imagined 12,000 years ago.
His words are: “I have spent a lot of time in Telos in the last 12,000 years, especially at the beginning. I have grown to love this place as much as I love my own city of Shamballa. Even now, I still spend a lot of time in Telos, but no longer for the same reasons as before. Now I go there, no longer to monitor their progress and their development, but simply because I love and enjoy so very much being in this wondrous city of Light and in the presence of its inhabitants. The beauty, the abundance, the brotherhood and the creativity that exist there in such perfection illustrates better than anywhere else the miracles that Love and Harmony can achieve when a civilization and her people decide, as a collective, to embody fully that Love of the Creator. Telos and her people is an outstanding cosmic example of the wonderments that Love can accomplish”.
He also tells me that he came to the surface a few times in the past for a short period of time, and that he enjoyed very much meeting and talking with the surface folks. He added: “My heart is longing, as well as the heart of your Lemurian family of Telos, to be able to walk again among all of you, as a brother, and offer to all of you my guidance and wisdom”.
Master Zohar
Greetings my beloved brothers and sister, this is Zohar.
Thank you Aurelia for asking me to have a saying in your book; I am really please to offer my energy for such endeavor. Let me say this. In order for this world to be enlightened entirely and be lifted in the Light, it is of necessity that everyone living here must take on the persona of “harmony”. Everyone must do this; it is a requirement. Otherwise, those who will not will be dragged down by their own arrogance. They will acquire sicknesses created from their lack of light and they will simply die, mainly because they will not have the capacity of being happy in the new world. Understand?
This is now your choice, beloved ones. Either you choose to make it, or you don’t. The outcome of your evolution is entirely depending on your own choices that you make each day, and each moment of the day.
The surface populations are now getting close to what is called “The Gathering”. Know that the powers that be in this world, the powers of the shadow side, the Illuminati, are trying to stop this at all cost. Know that the more they are trying to stop it, the more you will know that you are doing it right and getting closer. Understand?
The governments of your planet do not yet realize that the people who live in the interior have been there such a long time, much longer than their limited mind could ever imagine. They do not yet realize that it is not them who are in charge of this planet, and that their time for ruling is soon coming to a dramatic end. Their bubble of illusion will soon be shattered, and their cycle of accountability will be born.
It is now time to distance yourself from all those who do not seek to embrace harmony in their lives. All those who wish to embody harmony or wish to be accepted into the family of Telos must do the following:
• You must strive to remain in a state of harmony at all times, with all of creation and all of nature. For without harmony, there is discord. Then with discord there is destruction.
• Regardless of what people may do or say, you “must remain in harmony”. If someone tries to hurt you, then bless them, and do not let them be part of your reality.
• If you encounter disharmonious situation, then distance yourself. You have no obligation to remain where harmony does not reign.
• Seek truth and harmony at all times, and do not ever again allow yourself to deviate from this course or you will self-destruct. Those who will continue to resist the new energies now flooding your planet will not be able to do this much longer. The new energies are now getting so very strong and intense to bring about the changes and transformations you have been all waiting for. Those who will resist will self-destruct.
• You should no longer entertain feelings of discord and guilt. Never be sorry for what you are or what you are going through to balance your debts towards life. Rather strive always to improve yourself.
• Harmony should be the number one quality in your life, and be assured that it will pave your pathway for admittance into the Halls of Ascension. You will know when you have reached that level because then nothing will bother you. Whatever people say or do to you, it will not grieve your heart one way or the other.
• Someone who is in total harmony is totally happy with Creation. That someone holds total acceptance of what is. When you become that, you are ready for your ascension.
Since I am almost a Telosian by association, I will also be there to greet you and champion your victory in the Light. Namaste my beloveds friends, I love you all so very much!
Value of your Taxation System

Adama through Aurelia Louise Jones
Adama, as children of God on this planet, is it spiritually valid and moral that we are subjected to such a controlling taxing system. Do you have a Taxing System in Telos?
We certainly don’t, and neither would we allow such a thing. An enlightened government does not need to tax its people. Your taxing system is strictly a manipulative three-dimensional creation, spiritually immoral, demonstrating a primitive understanding of leadership and management.
We acknowledge your desires to be sovereign in this regard and your divine rights to be tax-free. You are the beloved children of the most loving and wealthy Father, Source energy. Your Creator does not tax you, and neither should anyone else. Like so many other things in your society that you don’t like nor agree with, they exist simply because you allow it. You have given away your powers and your rights to be sovereign. As a collective, until you take your powers back, it will continue.
Be assured that within 5 to 10 years from now, and hopefully sooner, you will most likely become tax-free forever. As the light shines on this planet brighter each passing day, your tax system will also evolve and eventually be abolished completely. There is no tax system in the fifth dimension, and if this is where so many of you are choosing to go. You will not find a single tax collector anywhere over on our side of the veil. They will be yet all gathered in the third dimension wondering what happened!
We are a free and responsible society. Each and every one of us takes equal responsibility for the wise and successful economics of our society. Everything we need or use is exchanged through a well-designed “barter system” creating an “equitable exchange”. This way, we can freely obtain and trade for whatever we want, and there are never any losers. This gives us great latitude and freedom in our exchange system and makes bartering “fun”. Everyone enjoys in great abundance everything they need, and never at the expense of another.
We value our freedom above all else. We would never allow a system of taxation to exist. It would deprive us of our undeniable rights to abundance, to freedom and the pursuit of happiness. On the surface, your governments have programmed you in the belief that you have to pay taxes and this is a most erroneous concept. You are not burdened only with income tax, but to name a few, also with sales tax, property taxes, activity taxes, some of your food is taxed as if eating and nourishing your body is a luxury, and hundreds of other more subtle types of taxes that are hidden or included in the prices. But nevertheless they are taxes and contribute to your burdens. In your lives on Earth, this type of control was never meant to become part of your reality and burdens.
Why are you then allowing it with so much fear and complacency?
Why are you then allowing the leaders you elect to oppress you in all directions in such a manner? And why are you still thinking that having to pay so many taxes with every aspect of your life is a normal way of sharing the meager earnings the majority of you have to live from?
Any government or leadership compelled to tax their people so heavily in order to function financially demonstrates a sure sign of poor administration. With a bit more enlightenment and much more integrity, your governments could function very well and with great prosperity without having to tax the people they govern. Citizens of other planets do not have to be taxed by their governments and no one lacks of anything, including those governing.
But Adama, how do we do this? Those who refuse to pay their taxes go to jail, they are harassed without end, they have their vehicles taken away from them and very often their land and their homes.
We know this my beloved, we know it only too well; and this is all about to change in your country and gradually everywhere else in the world. This is why we are not suggesting that you make waves at this time and refuse to pay your taxes. If you did that now, too many of you would be hurt. You have enough challenges in your life as is, and we do not want to see you suffer more. The concept of becoming tax-free has to evolve first in your consciousness and then in the consciousness of the majority in order to be changed smoothly in an enlightened manner.
When the majority of the people in a country, let’s say about 70% to 80% have embraced a new truth for themselves as sovereign beings and make a sincere and empowered choice in their heart that it is no longer their truth to be submitted to taxation, and they call out to their Creator to assist them in implementing their new truth as sovereign beings, be assured that it will happen, and it would not take very long. But the collective has to choose it first from the heart and let go of victimhood consciousness. This is a requirement. Know it with all your heart that your sovereignty has to come first from within the self. Know with absolute knowingness that as divine beings, as the children of a most loving Father, you have full rights to the bounty of this planet and of this universe. It is not reserved for only the few.
There are those in your society who have incarnated for the purpose of creating more enlightened forms of governments in a near future. They are sufficient in numbers now to succeed and have gained enough maturity to take their place very soon. They have been trained between their incarnations to do just that, and they already know how to implement those positive changes smoothly. They are well versed on the art of leadership to implement new forms of government that will function for the benefit of all. When a governing body acts for the benefit of the collective instead of personal agendas, everyone becomes abundant and has everything they need to enjoy life. No one has to go without. Very soon, my dear children, there will no longer be the “haves and the have not”. Everyone will have plenty to live and function well, including all levels of governments.
Be patient a little longer and continue to evolve your consciousness and let go of the many erroneous belief systems you have been imprinted with. Those who have incarnated to implement the new forms of governments will not be allowed to take their rightful place until you have made sufficient changes first in your heart and your consciousness. It is important that you claim it and demand those changes from the heart of your Creator from the love and compassion of your own heart. It is also important that you continue to do this until it happens.
Remember that it is always the collective who has the power to decide. Your governments only reflect the sum total of the consciousness of the collective they govern. They are mirrors my friends, just mirrors! You all have to change first, and you will see how smoothly your governments will evolve and change. It is up to all of you to lead the way from the fires of your heart.
But Adama, 80% of the population is a lot; that will take forever for everyone to evolve their consciousness to extent you mention.
Not as long as you might think. I mentioned it before and many other masters have mentioned it as well. Soon on your planet, there will be events that will assist humanity to wake-up and accelerate their consciousness. These events are now hanging over your head. People will have to voluntarily change or leave their incarnation. The abuse of your planet and its people by your governments will no longer be tolerated. This is what your Earth Mother has now chosen for evolution on Her body, and it will be implemented. No group of people in incarnation here will have the power to stop it either. The shape-up or ship-out warning that was given some time ago is more valid now than ever before.
You are not alone my beloveds; you have more support on your planet now from all over the universe than ever before. No planet has ever been given such great amount of assistance as it is granted here at this time. Be of good cheers, your deliverance is soon at hand. If only you could perceive how much effort is implemented to assist this planet and how much each one of you is so dearly loved, it would melt all your pains instantly into an eternal fountain of joy. We love you all so very much, and please hang on a little longer! I am with you always.
Your Lemurian Family of Light
Read MoreThe Fountain of Eternal Youth and Immortality

Adama through Aurelia Louise Jones
Adama, please talk to us about the Fountain of eternal youth and immortality. Are you saying that it is created by our thoughts and intentions?
Of course, but this is only one aspect of it. If you truly desire to attain this level of perfection and state of consciousness, you must first desire it with all your heart, mind and soul. This is your first key. Around the clock, every day of your life, you must also set out and renew your intentions to reach that level of perfection, engaging all your spiritual faculties until you reach your goals.
Constancy is your second key. The “on and off” attempts have never brought much results. Maintaining absolute constancy in your intentions and the willingness to do what is required to attain that state cannot be emphasized enough.
The fountain of youth and rejuvenation you are seeking lies within you always. It is there, waiting for your awakening and your awareness of it. The keys to find it have never been secrets. In fact, they have been known all along, but you have ignored them. For eons, you have been more interested in finding it through an external source, a quick fix that would substitute a true spiritual transformation. This is your third key. I ask you now: Have these external sources work for all of you, my friends? Have you succeeded in your society to eliminate aging, illnesses and death? Or are you building more nursing homes, hospitals and medical clinics?
Very rarely on the surface up to now, a person has been willing to apply the keys of transformation to the extent that it brought them complete DNA transformation and immortality. Nevertheless, over the ages and millennia, there have been a few exceptions. Your DNA is another key to your fountain of youth and infinite vitality, the fourth key. It evolves at the speed that you evolve your consciousness and increase your love quotient. Your body is a mirror of consciousness. As it evolves, the body will begin to mirror the new consciousness you have attained. The fountain of youth has always been there inside of you, but you have to evolve your consciousness to activate it.
Your thoughts, your words and feelings bring the subject of the fifth key. What is the quality of the internal dialogue do you entertain within yourself moment by moment? Does it reflect what you desire to attain? After you have done a few minutes of affirmations each day, what thoughts do you occupy your mind with the rest of the day? How well do you monitor your thoughts, your feelings and the words you speak to yourself and to others with each now moment? How do you feel about yourself and your body?
Once you evolve your consciousness to the state of immortality, you will find that it simply happens effortlessly. You will find that aging only makes you wiser, more mature and stronger. Yes, we become older in age, and we do it with grace, nobility and dignity, as masters. This is also your destiny to reach this level of mastery. Maintain your physical prowess, agility, and strength by all the means you know. You will find that the more you do, the more you will always be able to do. Don’t let age or what people say limit you. You are unlimited beings who have forgotten.
The Fountain of Youth you are seeking is a state of Being, not so much a state of doing. To activate this wondrous fountain, you must first unite with it and then become it. This is your sixth key; and a most important one as well. The true fountain of youth is a fountain of Pure Light, a fifth dimensional tool. In order to activate it within self, you must increase the light in all the cells of our physical body and also in all your other bodies and more subtle bodies. You must cleanse your emotional body of negative human emotions; you must monitor your thoughts and begin to think like a master does. If you are not sure how a master would think in any given circumstance, go in meditation and ask that question. What would a master do, how would a master view this and what is the action a master would take? How does it feel to be a master of divine expression like our brothers and sisters in Telos? Your heart knows all the answers and it always has. You only need to consult it and learn to tune in again to that wisdom.
Begin to consider your bodies as “magical forms”, see them as the most versatile machines that were ever created that can do all you want them to do without pain or limitation. They can even teleport anywhere in this universe almost with the speed of light whenever you have attained that level of consciousness. It is up to you to change the perception you have held regarding your bodies so far, and to learn how to utilize the full physical potential that these vehicles are endowed with.
Begin to live your new truth and the results you are seeking will follow. It cannot be otherwise. This is the seventh key. In this regard, the fountain of youth is real. It is located in your very own mind and heart. You will be surprised and joyous when you discover how easy it is to maintain your youthful appearance.
Read MoreMessage from Posid – Part 1

Galatril through Aurelia Louise Jones
Greetings my beloved brothers and sisters!
I am Galatril, third-level member of the Council of Posid, beneath Mato Grotto in the country of Brazil. I have been in this position for many of your lifetimes, and I have spent much of my service reaching out to heal the energies of the past.
We, who inhabit the resurrected city of Posid, now a wondrous and beautiful abode of Light in the fifth dimension, and all of us living in other Atlantean energy cities within the Earth, recognize that there is great distrust for our vibration from many of you who experienced the cataclysms of the fall of Atlantis. The energies of that time and the masculine overwhelm of mental energies over the feminine balance of the heart are still creating emotions of fear and anguish within many of you who would be now interested in initiating any kind of communication with us.
For this reason, we ask that you please allow yourself to release the prior connection with us that you hold through the mind, and bring the energies of our deep love for you, once again into your heart. Since the destruction of our continent, we have done much work to evolve our consciousness and to embrace the energies of love from the heart. We have toiled long and steadfast to rebalance the energies we so carelessly used in the past. Today, it is with much joy and deep gratitude that we thank you for allowing us the opportunity to reach out to you and speak to your heart. We now come from a place of love, and if you allow it, we can bring great healings to your soul from the past traumas that so many, if not most of you on the surface, have been subjected to in the past.
We, who held ourselves in such high esteem in the Atlantis of old, and who rocked our planet so violently with our egos and misuse of technologies, have spent much of our time since in the service to the Earth and the earth’s interior. We have been in service to the elementals and nature spirits of this planet, and in service to our beloved Lemurian brothers and sisters, to rectify the damage and the deep pains that we inflicted to them and to all of you. We have also learned much about the cravings of the soul for knowledge and how these desires must be balanced by the deeper knowingness of the heart.
After the sinking of Atlantis, it was our Lemurian brothers and sisters who have offered themselves and their expertise to become our mentors in our next evolutionary step. Many of the guides, healers and teachers who held the energies of compassion, wisdom and understanding on our behalf to allow us to evolve from our former tragedies, have been from Telos! Many were from other Lemurian cities as well. For a very long time, their assistance, their love, their acceptance of us has been for many, myself included, the only Light that shone in a very dark place within our heart and soul. Our connection to them was the bond that has carried us higher and higher into the consciousness of love and true brotherhood. We now invite humanity to do the same.
We live beneath the region of Brazil because of the highly crystalline nature the Earth in that area. We are here now as guardians of these energies to keep them from being manipulated again by those who do not reflect nor understand the Divine Plan. Whereas in the past, we would have insisted to utilize the tremendous force of this energy for power, dominion and control, today, we are its protectors. It is now very appropriate for us to be the guardians of those energies because we have a very great understanding of those energies, and we have also experienced the negative effects of their misuse. We can follow their flow with great perceptivity of observation. We do this in service for our Lemurian brothers and sisters, which we now consider to be our very dear “family”. They are the synthesizers and harmonizers of this energy at this time of planetary transformation.
In many aspects, our lifestyles are very similar to those of Telos. All of us hold positions of responsibility within our community. We also spend much of our time in service to the planet and to our brothers and sisters now incarnated on the surface at this time. A great deal of our work consists of programming many of the crystal tools that are emerging on the surface at the present time. We have the technology to create from the organic structure of the subterranean levels of the earth a new form of crystal that emits a much higher vibration of energy than what has been previously available on the surface.
These crystals are now beginning to surface and will interact with the environments into which they are introduced to provide a detoxifying effect on all levels of denser vibrations. They are very open to the conscious intents of the individuals who wish to work with them, and will work with all who ask them. However, they will express only one intention at a time, and only within the vibrations of the Divine Plan. This is the first layer of healing tools that will begin to emerge in a near future. These crystals will also reflect the color vibration of the individual person who will currently be working with them, and may change color vibration if or when transferred to a different person.
Our buildings in Posid are made of a very similar crystal material. This energy has greatly contributed to the healing of our toxic emotions, as well as the toxic emotions of the Earth herself where we live. We hold in our hearts a great desire to be of assistance to the surface populations when the appropriate time emerges. We wish to contribute and support you in the creation of your own cities of Light with these same healing materials. In addition, these crystals will be available to heal your soil, the re-energizing of all your food supplies and many other uses.
We want to assure all of you that all of us hold a very great desire in our hearts to manifest in all of our actions and interactions with you, the love and the compassion that is needed to recreate a united civilization on this planet. It is our most heartfelt goal to assist the manifestation of this unity of consciousness in all of Her dimensions and realms. We wish to experience with you again, face to face, the love that will bring the highest joy and grace to all of you living on the surface, sharing this planet with all of us living within the earth’s interior.
It has become appropriate for us now to say that in the higher realm of the fifth dimension, Atlantis and Lemuria are fully manifesting the energies of the original plan for these continents. Atlantis representing the energies of the Divine Father and Lemuria representing the energies of the Divine Mother were meant to work together in the consciousness of divine union, to assist in love and unity of consciousness, not only the people of their respective continents, but also to become loving guides and mentors, role models of unity for other civilizations evolving here, younger souls with less experience.
In recognition of the many lifetimes that many of you have spent attempting to distance yourself from the original vibrations of Atlantis, we ask you to work with us now on a simple meditative exercise. We hope this meditation will assist you in cleansing the vibrations of old, so that the new vibration may seed itself in the evolving consciousness of the planet.
There are many skills and technological resources that were created in Atlantis that many of you have direct knowledge of. It is now time for these technologies to resurface, albeit in a vibration of love and service, not ego and power. As you clear your resistance to old energies and experiences, all that was good, all the wonders of Atlantis will rise to the surface through you.
The continent of Atlantis, as with the continent of Lemuria, will not rise again in the physical. It will be reborn instead through the energies of those who are incarnated at this time. The gifts and resources of these civilizations will be recreated and re-manifested, in new and shining forms, by those of you who are living on the surface today.
We invite you to journey with us now into the crystal heart of your soul. Envision a glowing center that resides behind your heart and transmits energy in undulating, pulsating waves throughout your bodies and into the energy field of the Earth herself. Your crystal center vibrates in resonance with the crystal center of the Earth. As you focus on your own crystal central sun, reach out with your knowingness, with your love, to the crystal central sun that sits in the core of Earth.
Follow the trail of energy as it leaves you and travels into the Earth and watch for the images that appear along these waves of energy. These images may appear to you as colors, or sounds. They may be scenes from the time of Atlantis. They may be geometric shapes or the images of people you have known. In each instance, reach out to these images, bathing them and surrounding them in the pulsating waves of love that are emanating from your crystalline sacred heart.
Do not try to explain or interpret these images. That knowledge will come in a time of its own choosing, when appropriate. Simply envelope these images, these energy transmissions from the time of Atlantis in the overwhelming love that you now offer in service to the planet and humankind. Bring each of the remnants of these orphan energies into the oneness that exists between your central sun and the central sun of the Earth.
Allow the pure energy of the Divine to heal and reform these energies. Allow and surrender to the Divine plan that holds all of us in its loving hands. And most of all, allow yourself to release eons of pain and sadness, of guilt and shame. You who are incarnated now are not responsible for the errors in judgment that were made during the time of Atlantis.
You are not responsible for righting any wrongs, for in truth, there were no wrongs. There were merely the lessons learned by a civilization that had chosen a path of understanding. And that path involved one of the greatest collective initiations ever presented on this planet. We who lived in the time of Atlantis, and many of you were with us, did so with the life choice that we would experience from every angle, the separation between mind and heart. We chose experiences that heightened that understanding, and we entered into them by choice.
Today, we reach out again, in greater knowingness, to communicate to you all that we learned. We ask those of you who were there with us to also reach out with your understanding from these times, and communicate the same to those living around you. We do not wish to recreate the Atlantean cities of old, but we wish to create with you new communities; communities that grow and evolve from the love that we share and the desire to do this together.
We will never again introduce to you technologies that will create a separation of mind and heart. We will only bring these technologies into your consciousness when you yourselves have reached an anchored vibration of love and community. You will then create these tools again in the fourth or fifth dimensional plane of your existence. You will also add to them new and wonderful tools and technologies of your own.
We have learned much wisdom from our previous civilization that perished because of our lack of vision. We are longing to share what we have learned with those who administer your surface governments at this time. With open hearts, we invite all of you who desire and all those who have connections with us from your incarnated experiences on our former continent, to visit us here in Posid. Visit us in your etheric bodies and study with us the consciousness that lead to the fall, and eventual destruction of Atlantis. We now open our doors and have created special quarters in our city to receive all of you who wish to reconnect and interact with us. We invite you to come and observe, with love and without attachment, the weaknesses and imbalances that were created then, and to carry these lessons back to the surface, where the wisdom gained can imprint the consciousness of those who now govern your dimension, and have inclinations to create the same mistakes again.
While the halls of visitors and nightly classrooms of Telos are overflowing with an ever-increasing number of you, almost doubling your number each month by the thousands, enjoying your new training and reconnecting with so many former friends and family members, ours are almost empty. With great anticipation and love, we invite you to come here in your dream states, and visit us also in our Atlantean abode. There is so much our hearts long to share with you. We promise to give you just as pleasant and heartfelt reception in Posid than you are receiving from your Lemurian brothers and sisters in Telos. As much as you are longing to reconnect with your Lemurian family, we are longing to reconnect, heart to heart, with all of you as well. Nearly all of you, if not all, have had several incarnations in Atlantis as you did in Lemuria, and we consider you as well, our former family members.
The former exquisite beauty that Posid once held in the physical has been replicated by us in the fifth dimension, and of course, with a much greater level of beauty and perfection. You will be just as delighted to visit Posid, as you are Telos and other Lemurian cities. We also live a life of magic and para-dise that we wish to share with you in a near future.
The doors of Posid are open for all of you now who wish to rekindle the friendships of the past. Eventually, we will also play our role in association with the Lemurian emergence to the surface, and be once again, walking among you. We thank you for your understanding and for this opportunity to be heard through this publication. We bless you for your hearts that love us still.
I am Galatril, Atlantean brother of the past. On behalf of my brothers and sisters of Posid, we send you our love and compassion, and we also send you our deepest friendship and our support.
Read MoreMessage from Posid – Part 2

Galatril through Aurelia Louise Jones
Greetings my beloved brothers and sisters!
I am Galatril, third-level member of the Council of Posid, beneath Mato Grotto in the country of Brazil. I have been in this position for many of your lifetimes, and I have spent much of my service reaching out to heal the energies of the past.
We, who inhabit the resurrected city of Posid, now a wondrous and beautiful abode of Light in the fifth dimension, and all of us living in other Atlantean energy cities within the Earth, recognize that there is great distrust for our vibration from many of you who experienced the cataclysms of the fall of Atlantis. The energies of that time and the masculine overwhelm of mental energies over the feminine balance of the heart are still creating emotions of fear and anguish within many of you who would be now interested in initiating any kind of communication with us.
For this reason, we ask that you please allow yourself to release the prior connection with us that you hold through the mind, and bring the energies of our deep love for you, once again into your heart. Since the destruction of our continent, we have done much work to evolve our consciousness and to embrace the energies of love from the heart. We have toiled long and steadfast to rebalance the energies we so carelessly used in the past. Today, it is with much joy and deep gratitude that we thank you for allowing us the opportunity to reach out to you and speak to your heart. We now come from a place of love, and if you allow it, we can bring great healings to your soul from the past traumas that so many, if not most of you on the surface, have been subjected to in the past.
We, who held ourselves in such high esteem in the Atlantis of old, and who rocked our planet so violently with our egos and misuse of technologies, have spent much of our time since in the service to the Earth and the earth’s interior. We have been in service to the elementals and nature spirits of this planet, and in service to our beloved Lemurian brothers and sisters, to rectify the damage and the deep pains that we inflicted to them and to all of you. We have also learned much about the cravings of the soul for knowledge and how these desires must be balanced by the deeper knowingness of the heart.
After the sinking of Atlantis, it was our Lemurian brothers and sisters who have offered themselves and their expertise to become our mentors in our next evolutionary step. Many of the guides, healers and teachers who held the energies of compassion, wisdom and understanding on our behalf to allow us to evolve from our former tragedies, have been from Telos! Many were from other Lemurian cities as well. For a very long time, their assistance, their love, their acceptance of us has been for many, myself included, the only Light that shone in a very dark place within our heart and soul. Our connection to them was the bond that has carried us higher and higher into the consciousness of love and true brotherhood. We now invite humanity to do the same.
We live beneath the region of Brazil because of the highly crystalline nature the Earth in that area. We are here now as guardians of these energies to keep them from being manipulated again by those who do not reflect nor understand the Divine Plan. Whereas in the past, we would have insisted to utilize the tremendous force of this energy for power, dominion and control, today, we are its protectors. It is now very appropriate for us to be the guardians of those energies because we have a very great understanding of those energies, and we have also experienced the negative effects of their misuse. We can follow their flow with great perceptivity of observation. We do this in service for our Lemurian brothers and sisters, which we now consider to be our very dear “family”. They are the synthesizers and harmonizers of this energy at this time of planetary transformation.
In many aspects, our lifestyles are very similar to those of Telos. All of us hold positions of responsibility within our community. We also spend much of our time in service to the planet and to our brothers and sisters now incarnated on the surface at this time. A great deal of our work consists of programming many of the crystal tools that are emerging on the surface at the present time. We have the technology to create from the organic structure of the subterranean levels of the earth a new form of crystal that emits a much higher vibration of energy than what has been previously available on the surface.
These crystals are now beginning to surface and will interact with the environments into which they are introduced to provide a detoxifying effect on all levels of denser vibrations. They are very open to the conscious intents of the individuals who wish to work with them, and will work with all who ask them. However, they will express only one intention at a time, and only within the vibrations of the Divine Plan. This is the first layer of healing tools that will begin to emerge in a near future. These crystals will also reflect the color vibration of the individual person who will currently be working with them, and may change color vibration if or when transferred to a different person.
Our buildings in Posid are made of a very similar crystal material. This energy has greatly contributed to the healing of our toxic emotions, as well as the toxic emotions of the Earth herself where we live. We hold in our hearts a great desire to be of assistance to the surface populations when the appropriate time emerges. We wish to contribute and support you in the creation of your own cities of Light with these same healing materials. In addition, these crystals will be available to heal your soil, the re-energizing of all your food supplies and many other uses.
We want to assure all of you that all of us hold a very great desire in our hearts to manifest in all of our actions and interactions with you, the love and the compassion that is needed to recreate a united civilization on this planet. It is our most heartfelt goal to assist the manifestation of this unity of consciousness in all of Her dimensions and realms. We wish to experience with you again, face to face, the love that will bring the highest joy and grace to all of you living on the surface, sharing this planet with all of us living within the earth’s interior.
It has become appropriate for us now to say that in the higher realm of the fifth dimension, Atlantis and Lemuria are fully manifesting the energies of the original plan for these continents. Atlantis representing the energies of the Divine Father and Lemuria representing the energies of the Divine Mother were meant to work together in the consciousness of divine union, to assist in love and unity of consciousness, not only the people of their respective continents, but also to become loving guides and mentors, role models of unity for other civilizations evolving here, younger souls with less experience.
In recognition of the many lifetimes that many of you have spent attempting to distance yourself from the original vibrations of Atlantis, we ask you to work with us now on a simple meditative exercise. We hope this meditation will assist you in cleansing the vibrations of old, so that the new vibration may seed itself in the evolving consciousness of the planet.
There are many skills and technological resources that were created in Atlantis that many of you have direct knowledge of. It is now time for these technologies to resurface, albeit in a vibration of love and service, not ego and power. As you clear your resistance to old energies and experiences, all that was good, all the wonders of Atlantis will rise to the surface through you.
The continent of Atlantis, as with the continent of Lemuria, will not rise again in the physical. It will be reborn instead through the energies of those who are incarnated at this time. The gifts and resources of these civilizations will be recreated and re-manifested, in new and shining forms, by those of you who are living on the surface today.
We invite you to journey with us now into the crystal heart of your soul. Envision a glowing center that resides behind your heart and transmits energy in undulating, pulsating waves throughout your bodies and into the energy field of the Earth herself. Your crystal center vibrates in resonance with the crystal center of the Earth. As you focus on your own crystal central sun, reach out with your knowingness, with your love, to the crystal central sun that sits in the core of Earth.
Follow the trail of energy as it leaves you and travels into the Earth and watch for the images that appear along these waves of energy. These images may appear to you as colors, or sounds. They may be scenes from the time of Atlantis. They may be geometric shapes or the images of people you have known. In each instance, reach out to these images, bathing them and surrounding them in the pulsating waves of love that are emanating from your crystalline sacred heart.
Do not try to explain or interpret these images. That knowledge will come in a time of its own choosing, when appropriate. Simply envelope these images, these energy transmissions from the time of Atlantis in the overwhelming love that you now offer in service to the planet and humankind. Bring each of the remnants of these orphan energies into the oneness that exists between your central sun and the central sun of the Earth.
Allow the pure energy of the Divine to heal and reform these energies. Allow and surrender to the Divine plan that holds all of us in its loving hands. And most of all, allow yourself to release eons of pain and sadness, of guilt and shame. You who are incarnated now are not responsible for the errors in judgment that were made during the time of Atlantis.
You are not responsible for righting any wrongs, for in truth, there were no wrongs. There were merely the lessons learned by a civilization that had chosen a path of understanding. And that path involved one of the greatest collective initiations ever presented on this planet. We who lived in the time of Atlantis, and many of you were with us, did so with the life choice that we would experience from every angle, the separation between mind and heart. We chose experiences that heightened that understanding, and we entered into them by choice.
Today, we reach out again, in greater knowingness, to communicate to you all that we learned. We ask those of you who were there with us to also reach out with your understanding from these times, and communicate the same to those living around you. We do not wish to recreate the Atlantean cities of old, but we wish to create with you new communities; communities that grow and evolve from the love that we share and the desire to do this together.
We will never again introduce to you technologies that will create a separation of mind and heart. We will only bring these technologies into your consciousness when you yourselves have reached an anchored vibration of love and community. You will then create these tools again in the fourth or fifth dimensional plane of your existence. You will also add to them new and wonderful tools and technologies of your own.
We have learned much wisdom from our previous civilization that perished because of our lack of vision. We are longing to share what we have learned with those who administer your surface governments at this time. With open hearts, we invite all of you who desire and all those who have connections with us from your incarnated experiences on our former continent, to visit us here in Posid. Visit us in your etheric bodies and study with us the consciousness that lead to the fall, and eventual destruction of Atlantis. We now open our doors and have created special quarters in our city to receive all of you who wish to reconnect and interact with us. We invite you to come and observe, with love and without attachment, the weaknesses and imbalances that were created then, and to carry these lessons back to the surface, where the wisdom gained can imprint the consciousness of those who now govern your dimension, and have inclinations to create the same mistakes again.
While the halls of visitors and nightly classrooms of Telos are overflowing with an ever-increasing number of you, almost doubling your number each month by the thousands, enjoying your new training and reconnecting with so many former friends and family members, ours are almost empty. With great anticipation and love, we invite you to come here in your dream states, and visit us also in our Atlantean abode. There is so much our hearts long to share with you. We promise to give you just as pleasant and heartfelt reception in Posid than you are receiving from your Lemurian brothers and sisters in Telos. As much as you are longing to reconnect with your Lemurian family, we are longing to reconnect, heart to heart, with all of you as well. Nearly all of you, if not all, have had several incarnations in Atlantis as you did in Lemuria, and we consider you as well, our former family members.
The former exquisite beauty that Posid once held in the physical has been replicated by us in the fifth dimension, and of course, with a much greater level of beauty and perfection. You will be just as delighted to visit Posid, as you are Telos and other Lemurian cities. We also live a life of magic and para-dise that we wish to share with you in a near future.
The doors of Posid are open for all of you now who wish to rekindle the friendships of the past. Eventually, we will also play our role in association with the Lemurian emergence to the surface, and be once again, walking among you. We thank you for your understanding and for this opportunity to be heard through this publication. We bless you for your hearts that love us still.
I am Galatril, Atlantean brother of the past. On behalf of my brothers and sisters of Posid, we send you our love and compassion, and we also send you our deepest friendship and our support.
Read MoreGrid Work of Adama part 1- by Adama

Adama through Aurelia Louise Jones
Questioner: Adama, you revealed that you are involved in grid work. We would like to know what grid you are working on and what is your role in the grid work.
Adama: Blessing Master Teachers, for you are all truly masters who have joined together in this Grand Experiment, for this is the first time that consciousness has been raised in this manner through the integration of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies concurrently.
I am involved in an energy grid inside the planet that works together with the physical crystalline structure on the surface of the planet; these grids have to do with the planet herself. The energies from that grid go out from within, and form an etheric grid around the planet. It has to do with the vibrational raising of energy, tying in with planetary shift, even with astrology such as times when activations take place when the magnetic and other planets move into proper position to allow those shifts to happen.
This grid is also connected with the Piscean energy, and has been used to hold the Christ energies. In the past, it has been used to hold these energies of the planetary grid until such a time that they can raise up again. As they begin now to shift into the Aquarian energy and we begin to turn back towards the Great Central Sun through the raising of consciousness, it is no longer necessary for the energies to be held here. These energies are now shifting to a more Aquarian, to a more feminine vibration or feminine expression of them. This does not mean that the masculine is being lost. It means that the both polarities are being integrated. The vibration that comes out of Lemuria, especially out of Telos is in itself such a generator of energy, because of its positions within Mount Shasta, where all energies that are being showered on your planet from the galactic cores and the Milky Way are hitting the planetary grid here in Mount Shasta which is the main entry point for this planet. From here, in matter of seconds and less than a minute those energies hit in succession all other major planetary points of the grid, which are situated on mountain tops, and from there are distributed over the rest of the grid. Each grid has various entry and exit points. The exit points are the areas where that energy is disseminated to other grids and the rest of the planetary energy pathways on the planet.
The grid that has been created by the Lemurian consciousness and love is also being mirrored in each one of you. This grid is being integrated into the sacred geometries of your bodies. The intention is to set a focus for the higher energies of divine purpose. There is a division now of energies on the planet, a division between personal and global consciousness. Although both levels of consciousness are in truth one and the same, for the time being there is an individuation between the two to allow the vibrational shift in each individual through free choice. This understanding was reached by the Lemurian High Council to reinforce on a cellular level the true dimensionality of this shift, and to fuse it into the collective consciousness of the human race.
Prior to this decision, it was thought that the global shift could happen with a series of infusions of energy to the planet herself, and through the planet to you. But you are as such the cells of the body of the planet, and we understand now that you must anchor and integrate the vibrations individually to fully account for all of the unique permutations of human consciousness. The DNA matrix (or crystalline grid) will shift in a slightly different manner for each individual, and in doing so will hold the full spectrum of vibration that is needed for a true global shift. As energies then harmonize for larger and larger groups of individuals who have accomplished their individual shifts, the global shift will happen in ever increasing waves.
There is a sound that accompanies this shift. It generates from the etheric realms, but it can be heard on this plane. We call it the “singing of the soul.” Harps and lutes cannot produce as beautiful a sound as this wave of love that stirs from the soul and tickles the vibration of the heart and the eardrums simultaneously. We have a 3-stringed instrument in Telos that is played by caressing the strings, rather than plucking them, between the thumb, fore and middle fingers. This vibration is a bit different, but resonates in the same spectrum as the soul songs. It is most beautiful and inspirational.
The grid changes, the DNA matrix changes that are taking place in each one of you will allow your own songs to be heard. Each of you has your own song, and we sing them in recognition. They are like the other titles and names that you have that signify who you are by vibration. We truly celebrate you as you rediscover your songs. We grace your dreams with reminders in song to help you on your path.
Questioner: And our love joins together with yours for the grace of all.
Adama: My work has to do with holding and feeding to this grid the higher fourth and fifth dimensional energy vibration that is slowly being brought up on the planet from within. We work within the planet to help the energies rise through the planet itself so that you can feel it coming up that way, and we also send it out to key points through the north and south poles and other key points. This way, it gradually creates the energetics around the planet, and also feeds down to the Earth herself.
My role is one of administrator, an organizer of energy input and releases. I am an architect of the grid. As such as the structure of the grid itself is in place, there will be further modifications made to it, as enhancements in the flow of energies, a constant work in progress.
There are many, many beings that are also working with the grid. There have been references to different grids, but they are all as such multi-dimensional layers of one huge, extensive grid work, which is all being incorporated together now.
Questioner: What is the difference between the Kryon grid and your grid?
Adama: Different energies work with different components of the setting-up of it. The Kryon grid works primarily with the magnetic energy. We work with the crystalline grid, but it is also the coming together of different groups who have worked with all these energies over a long period of time to put the different components of this grid together. The new grid has been created as a result of the participation of many, many different energies. The Elohim, many extra-terrestrials energies such as the Arcturians, the Pleadians, the Andromadians, the Venusians, etc. that have actually come from other places, and so many other energies that have come in different ways. As we are all parts of a whole, it is now being formed as one whole that will work for and with the planet.
On those grids that are being put together, there are different entry points and exit points. There are different parts that work with different areas and there are different uses that can be brought to it at times. This is ultimately creating a new energy source around the planet that will be able to harvest and to hold all these wonderful energies that are being sent here. These energies are not coming in just as boom transmissions, but energies that will continue to form and hold around the planet. It is an ongoing process.
Questioner: Are they planning to restore the planet to its original perfection or is it going to be beyond that?
Adama: It is certainly the plan, and it is hoped for that it will be much beyond what it has ever been. But there is still now a question about how the planet is going to actually evolve, because again, this is coming through the planet Herself. There are many ideas, there are many ways that we wish to work with the planet, but so much of it is conditional upon a shift of the human consciousness that can allow these things to happen. There is actually a need for a much greater shift in the feminine energy on this planet, such that you are not continuing to tear down what is hoped to be built-up again.
At this point, there is again a real question, almost like a healing crisis that happens with individuals in terms of how far can we go? It is also a matter of what you choose to do to assist this process and how you choose to live with this planet. This is what we are waiting to see before we can go further with some of the work. There is so much that is going to happen in the next ten years in terms of energies and consciousness rising. It is important to see communities come together and show their full support to the Earth.
Questioner: As far as your emergence to the surface, are you going to wait until the consciousness has shifted a great deal or are you going to come out sooner?
Adama: We are planning to come out in different ways; we have a plan. We would like so much to see humanity starting to live from the heart all the time versus of having people hold off with a wait and see attitude. Some people who hear about us rationalize this theory with their minds and what others have to say, and decide they will believe our reality when they can see us in front of them. Our eventual emergence has much to do with everyone raising his or her own level of love and light vibration. Our connections will come in many different ways. When people’s heart connection with us will be more constant, then we will be there in the physical in a more constant way.
Our emergence will start very slowly with secret meetings with small groups of those who are very opened to us, whose level of vibration is maintained at a fourth dimension awareness at all times. As more and more people open up to their own God-Self and to unconditional love, the circles of those with whom we meet will gradually expand. Also know that these meetings will not take place in a third dimensional vibration. You will certainly have to meet us half way in your love and light vibration. As the energies continue to shift on this planet, this will soon be possible for many of you drawn to this material. We have by now witnessed such great heart openings and received such a great heart-felt welcome and love from the French populations by the publishing of the first and second book, that it is giving us great hopes that within the next couple of years, we may be allowed by the galactic federation to start small clandestine physical gatherings with those who will reach the level of vibration and purity of intent to be able to be in our presence. We ask you to let go of the old 3D distorted energies and move on to the new with love and joy. This is your key. It is with great anticipation that we are waiting your greater awakening to unite with you once again.
Read MoreGrid Work of Adama part 2- by Adama

Adama through Aurelia Louise Jones
Questioner: Adama, you revealed that you are involved in grid work. We would like to know what grid you are working on and what is your role in the grid work.
Adama: Blessing Master Teachers, for you are all truly masters who have joined together in this Grand Experiment, for this is the first time that consciousness has been raised in this manner through the integration of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies concurrently.
I am involved in an energy grid inside the planet that works together with the physical crystalline structure on the surface of the planet; these grids have to do with the planet herself. The energies from that grid go out from within, and form an etheric grid around the planet. It has to do with the vibrational raising of energy, tying in with planetary shift, even with astrology such as times when activations take place when the magnetic and other planets move into proper position to allow those shifts to happen.
This grid is also connected with the Piscean energy, and has been used to hold the Christ energies. In the past, it has been used to hold these energies of the planetary grid until such a time that they can raise up again. As they begin now to shift into the Aquarian energy and we begin to turn back towards the Great Central Sun through the raising of consciousness, it is no longer necessary for the energies to be held here. These energies are now shifting to a more Aquarian, to a more feminine vibration or feminine expression of them. This does not mean that the masculine is being lost. It means that the both polarities are being integrated. The vibration that comes out of Lemuria, especially out of Telos is in itself such a generator of energy, because of its positions within Mount Shasta, where all energies that are being showered on your planet from the galactic cores and the Milky Way are hitting the planetary grid here in Mount Shasta which is the main entry point for this planet. From here, in matter of seconds and less than a minute those energies hit in succession all other major planetary points of the grid, which are situated on mountain tops, and from there are distributed over the rest of the grid. Each grid has various entry and exit points. The exit points are the areas where that energy is disseminated to other grids and the rest of the planetary energy pathways on the planet.
The grid that has been created by the Lemurian consciousness and love is also being mirrored in each one of you. This grid is being integrated into the sacred geometries of your bodies. The intention is to set a focus for the higher energies of divine purpose. There is a division now of energies on the planet, a division between personal and global consciousness. Although both levels of consciousness are in truth one and the same, for the time being there is an individuation between the two to allow the vibrational shift in each individual through free choice. This understanding was reached by the Lemurian High Council to reinforce on a cellular level the true dimensionality of this shift, and to fuse it into the collective consciousness of the human race.
Prior to this decision, it was thought that the global shift could happen with a series of infusions of energy to the planet herself, and through the planet to you. But you are as such the cells of the body of the planet, and we understand now that you must anchor and integrate the vibrations individually to fully account for all of the unique permutations of human consciousness. The DNA matrix (or crystalline grid) will shift in a slightly different manner for each individual, and in doing so will hold the full spectrum of vibration that is needed for a true global shift. As energies then harmonize for larger and larger groups of individuals who have accomplished their individual shifts, the global shift will happen in ever increasing waves.
There is a sound that accompanies this shift. It generates from the etheric realms, but it can be heard on this plane. We call it the “singing of the soul.” Harps and lutes cannot produce as beautiful a sound as this wave of love that stirs from the soul and tickles the vibration of the heart and the eardrums simultaneously. We have a 3-stringed instrument in Telos that is played by caressing the strings, rather than plucking them, between the thumb, fore and middle fingers. This vibration is a bit different, but resonates in the same spectrum as the soul songs. It is most beautiful and inspirational.
The grid changes, the DNA matrix changes that are taking place in each one of you will allow your own songs to be heard. Each of you has your own song, and we sing them in recognition. They are like the other titles and names that you have that signify who you are by vibration. We truly celebrate you as you rediscover your songs. We grace your dreams with reminders in song to help you on your path.
Questioner: And our love joins together with yours for the grace of all.
Adama: My work has to do with holding and feeding to this grid the higher fourth and fifth dimensional energy vibration that is slowly being brought up on the planet from within. We work within the planet to help the energies rise through the planet itself so that you can feel it coming up that way, and we also send it out to key points through the north and south poles and other key points. This way, it gradually creates the energetics around the planet, and also feeds down to the Earth herself.
My role is one of administrator, an organizer of energy input and releases. I am an architect of the grid. As such as the structure of the grid itself is in place, there will be further modifications made to it, as enhancements in the flow of energies, a constant work in progress.
There are many, many beings that are also working with the grid. There have been references to different grids, but they are all as such multi-dimensional layers of one huge, extensive grid work, which is all being incorporated together now.
Questioner: What is the difference between the Kryon grid and your grid?
Adama: Different energies work with different components of the setting-up of it. The Kryon grid works primarily with the magnetic energy. We work with the crystalline grid, but it is also the coming together of different groups who have worked with all these energies over a long period of time to put the different components of this grid together. The new grid has been created as a result of the participation of many, many different energies. The Elohim, many extra-terrestrials energies such as the Arcturians, the Pleadians, the Andromadians, the Venusians, etc. that have actually come from other places, and so many other energies that have come in different ways. As we are all parts of a whole, it is now being formed as one whole that will work for and with the planet.
On those grids that are being put together, there are different entry points and exit points. There are different parts that work with different areas and there are different uses that can be brought to it at times. This is ultimately creating a new energy source around the planet that will be able to harvest and to hold all these wonderful energies that are being sent here. These energies are not coming in just as boom transmissions, but energies that will continue to form and hold around the planet. It is an ongoing process.
Questioner: Are they planning to restore the planet to its original perfection or is it going to be beyond that?
Adama: It is certainly the plan, and it is hoped for that it will be much beyond what it has ever been. But there is still now a question about how the planet is going to actually evolve, because again, this is coming through the planet Herself. There are many ideas, there are many ways that we wish to work with the planet, but so much of it is conditional upon a shift of the human consciousness that can allow these things to happen. There is actually a need for a much greater shift in the feminine energy on this planet, such that you are not continuing to tear down what is hoped to be built-up again.
At this point, there is again a real question, almost like a healing crisis that happens with individuals in terms of how far can we go? It is also a matter of what you choose to do to assist this process and how you choose to live with this planet. This is what we are waiting to see before we can go further with some of the work. There is so much that is going to happen in the next ten years in terms of energies and consciousness rising. It is important to see communities come together and show their full support to the Earth.
Questioner: As far as your emergence to the surface, are you going to wait until the consciousness has shifted a great deal or are you going to come out sooner?
Adama: We are planning to come out in different ways; we have a plan. We would like so much to see humanity starting to live from the heart all the time versus of having people hold off with a wait and see attitude. Some people who hear about us rationalize this theory with their minds and what others have to say, and decide they will believe our reality when they can see us in front of them. Our eventual emergence has much to do with everyone raising his or her own level of love and light vibration. Our connections will come in many different ways. When people’s heart connection with us will be more constant, then we will be there in the physical in a more constant way.
Our emergence will start very slowly with secret meetings with small groups of those who are very opened to us, whose level of vibration is maintained at a fourth dimension awareness at all times. As more and more people open up to their own God-Self and to unconditional love, the circles of those with whom we meet will gradually expand. Also know that these meetings will not take place in a third dimensional vibration. You will certainly have to meet us half way in your love and light vibration. As the energies continue to shift on this planet, this will soon be possible for many of you drawn to this material. We have by now witnessed such great heart openings and received such a great heart-felt welcome and love from the French populations by the publishing of the first and second book, that it is giving us great hopes that within the next couple of years, we may be allowed by the galactic federation to start small clandestine physical gatherings with those who will reach the level of vibration and purity of intent to be able to be in our presence. We ask you to let go of the old 3D distorted energies and move on to the new with love and joy. This is your key. It is with great anticipation that we are waiting your greater awakening to unite with you once again.
Read MoreHow to Raise One’s Consciousness – by Adama

Channeled through Aurelia Louise Jones
I AM Adama from Telos. How to raise one’s consciousness is a broad subject, dear ones that could fill an entire encyclopedia if written in books.
The answer to this question is like a diamond with several thousand facets, each facet representing an avenue in which you raise your consciousness above and beyond your present understanding of what life is about on this planet.
Before you would want to raise your consciousness, perhaps you should ask yourself a few questions such as:
- What does it means to raise my consciousness?
- Why would one want to do this?
- What happens when one raises their consciousness?
- How will it affect my present life?
- What could be the results of such a spiritual journey, that literally never ends?
Once you start contemplating the answers to those questions deeply in your heart, you are already starting the process. Your own GodSelf will step in, in the measure you will allow it. It will start sending you some promptings and guidance to assist you with the process. And it is a process, dear ones. It unfolds increment by increment according to your own unique pathway, and according to the level of action and intensity you are putting in the process.
Once you develop a more expanded understanding for the questions above, raising your consciousness will become so much easier. You can almost make a fun game of unlimited discoveries with it.
Let me give you, if you will, a brief description for each one of these questions, and I leave you with the homework of expanding these concepts a thousand times more; not so much in your mind, but mainly in your heart. Your heart, dear ones, is the supreme intelligence of your soul.
What does it mean to raise or expand your consciousness?
It means to start becoming more conscious at all levels and aspects of your life. No more living on automatic pilot.
It means to stop the madness in your life, at least for some period of time each day, in meditation or contemplation for the purpose of exploring the “real Self”. Start opening yourself to all possibilities. Explore the wonders and the glory that are contained within yourself, around you, in nature and everywhere on your planet and in this Universe. Explore the intricacies and complexities of other kingdoms on this Earth that you never paid attention to before. Explore your heart and discover the golden angel that lives within it that is the GodSelf of who you truly are, another aspect of your eternal identity.
Start exploring the vastness, the wonders of Love and Patience of the being whom you call Mother Earth. She ensouls and provides life, intelligence and energy for every living particle on Earth, including all kingdoms visible and invisible. Your Earth Mother is the One who, for millions of years of evolution, has provided for you Her body for your platform of evolution. As you honor Her and Her body, she is one who can assist you mightily in raising your consciousness and vibrations.
Start now the most wondrous journey of self-discovery of who you truly are, as an unlimited divine being having a temporary human experience.
Why would I want to raise my consciousness?
The human experience has been rather difficult and full of challenges on Earth for the last several thousands of years mainly because the level of consciousness surface dwellers on this planet have fallen to. You have allowed yourself, very gradually, to descend from heights of glory of higher consciousness of the first three golden ages to your present way of life that are not outpicturing the divine being that you are. In general, humans have lost their contact with their own GodSelf, and in many ways, you are still worshipping a God outside of yourself.
As you raise your consciousness again to the level of your GodSelf, embracing your divinity in its full extent, all your former gifts that are your divine birthright will be restored. You will, once again, be able to demonstrate in your daily life the ease, magic and grace of the unlimited God that you truly are beyond the veil.
You will raise yourself up forever above the pains and sufferings of the present limitations you have been living with.
What happens when one raises their consciousness?
It will be helpful for you to spend time to become aware of how limited you are. Next spend time to contemplate the true meaning of freedom, and what freedom means to you personally. Decide what it is that you want for your life. How would you like to see your life unfold? What are your dreams? What would you like to manifest or become with your present incarnation? What are your goals? Do you realize that you can have it all when you raise your consciousness above your limited perceptions? This is how we have created such a paradise and a life of perfection in Telos. We opened our heart and mind to perceive the perfection and limitlessness that were intended as a way of life on this planet.
This is how it was for three long eras of golden ages on this planet millions of years ago before the fall in consciousness. The fall of mankind is not about the eating an apple by Eve like some of you still believe. This is an allegory or a metaphor. The fall was about a compromise in the high level of consciousness that was attained in those days. It was created by a desire to experience polarity and separation from God. This created a rift in the perfection that existed at the time, and the knowledge of the magic of high consciousness gradually began its descend into that rift of duality that you are now experiencing. Your former knowledge has been lost to your outer awareness, lets us say for millions of years.
This means, beloved ones, that you still possess this knowledge in the deep recesses of your soul and subconscious mind and that you can resurrect it back to your present awareness. As you let go of the erroneous and distorted beliefs that have limited you for so very long, you will be able to remember your former state and totally manifest it in your present physical life.
How will it affect my present life?
As you start raising your consciousness, your desires, your interests and your priorities will change. You will start to realize that you, and only you, is the creator and the prime authority for your life, in spite of all other external appearances. You will use your new awareness and the knowledge you are gaining by the expansion of your consciousness to create a new reality for yourself, the one you always wanted, with no limitations.
You will start creating a life surrounded with more beauty, more joy, more ease, flow, love and happiness that you could ever thought possible. And this is how raising your consciousness will affect your present life. Gradually, as you start opening your hearts more to the possibility of this new reality, as you start clearing your emotional and mental bodies of old belief systems that no longer serve you and keeping you in your present limitations, all your desires and your dreams will start manifesting as your reality. You will be free to live the kind of life you always wanted, no matter what it is that you have desired.
What could be the results of raising my consciousness?
The results are infinite and unlimited. In your cosmic evolution, you will continue to raise your consciousness forever, unto eternity. You will recognize your real identity as an eternal and immortal God/Goddess, as a child of Love, created by Love. You will know that from Love you came and to greater and greater Love shall you ever expand into. You are the child of the most omniscient and glorious God, created with all the same attributes, a duplicate, if you will, and nothing less. Your loss memory will be restored.
Even if there are rocks or boulders to remove in the way; even if there are thorns to love back to smoothness, steep climbs to conquer at the beginning of your journey, don’t you want to move out of the small box in which you have been living in and explore what else can be available for you on your planet? This search for Truth could open for you a life of such great delights and wonders beyond your wildest dreams.
Ask yourself, are you an isolated civilization living on this planet or are we all brothers and sisters, born out of the Love of the same Creator? Are you alone or are you part of a vast and infinite creation with limitless diversities? As you come out of the little box you have been living in, you will certainly discover the “real world”, and you will realize that your little box has been an illusion, because you are not separate and you are not alone. You are part of All That Is, Love without end.
What does it mean to ride the wave of Ascension?
You are destined to eventually raise your consciousness from glory to greater and greater glories unto eternity. Most people on the surface are dreaming of going to heaven when they die. Now with the new cycle unfolding on this planet, you will no longer have to die to go to heaven. Heaven will soon manifest right here on Earth for all those who will choose to ride the wave of ascension. Won’t you start your most awesome journey now? Or do you choose to remain the consciousness of human shackles? Once you have deepened these questions, begin your sacred journey if you have not already started.
Open your heart and consciousness to the other kingdoms of the Earth. You will discover how magical and harmonious they are. Seek to understand who the animals really are and what their role is on this planet, and how they can help you also. Other than categorizing them by species, looks, size and breeds, humans on this planet know or understand very little about animals. Open your heart and mind to what is above, below and around you in the visible and invisible that you never observed. As you do this, you will start to open yourself to unconditional love and to such wonders, that you will be raising your consciousness with the waves of ascension energies that are now flooding this planet.
Your ascension to Freedom, your crowning of the thousands of life times spent on this planet, laboring and evolving is now at hand. Never in Earth’s history has the ascension been made so easy as it is now offered to you at this time of ascension cycle for your Earth Mother. Won’t you ride the wave of ascension with Her? Your ascension to your spiritual freedom has been the goal of all your incarnations since the beginning of time. This goal has eluded you for so very long that most of you have forgotten that this has been all along the goal of each of your incarnations to take the required spiritual initiations that will eventually lead you to this goal.
Never before in all of Earth’s history, has the ascension to Freedom and to a life of Divine Grace been offered as a possibility to be attained in a few short years. Will you take it now or will you wait another 25,000 years for the next round of ascension on another planet, experiencing the same difficulties you have been subjected to for so very long? The choice is yours, dear ones. In Love and Compassion, I am sending you this wake-up call.
I am Adama, your brother and friend.
Emergence Update – by Adama

Channeled through Aurelia Louise Jones
Many of you already know that a great number of us are planning to eventually emerge to the surface when enough of you are ready and willing to receive us along with our teachings. It will be our pleasure to reconnect with all of you face-to-face and teach you all we know.
We will teach you how to create a life of magic and paradise for yourself, and your loved ones, right where you are. We ask you to assist in spreading the awareness of our presence within Mount Shasta to all of those whose consciousness is ready to receive this information. Do what you can to support our emergence to the ” surface,” and it is my promise that you will never regret it.
We notice that many of you want to know time and dates; some of you are almost getting impatient. We ask you to understand that the time of our emergence does not depend on us; ” we are ready.” It is the surface folks, the collective, who are not yet ready to receive us. To come out prematurely would be defeating the purpose of our emergence and would create definite setbacks.
What will be required of us for you to come out?
First of all, we monitor and register the love and light quotient of the surface population. We measure the level of compassion and heart opening of the collective. At this time, it is about 65%. In order for us to come out, it will require a percentage of about 90%. This is only one of the factors we examine. There are several others we also consider very important. Much will depend on the level of consciousness and evolution of the collective, their awareness of higher vibrations of love, and their willingness to live their lives as divine beings.
You are now embarked on the grand adventure of ascension. Those who will be able to stay on the planet beyond the next decade are those who have chosen to embrace their Christhood and Divinity. Personal and planetary events are going to become your mentors to assist you in that direction. After millions of years of evolution on this planet, our Earth Mother has chosen to move on in Her own personal evolution and to take along with Her those of humanity who are ready to make the same choice.
As a result of her choice, the Creator has given the Earth a mighty dispensation of Light and Love. Your planet is now flooded with new energies unlike ever before. These energies are increasing in intensity, velocity and frequency with each passing day. Seven major gateways have opened from the Creator Source in 2002 that will greatly transform your planet by the year 2012 and beyond. In a hundred years from now, your planet will be totally transformed.
Each of those gateways contains a number of sub-gateways and portals that all of you must pass through in order to move on to the next step. By 2012, or perhaps a bit sooner, many of the ” initiates” will be lifted to a fifth dimensional reality, in a world of magic and paradise. In a little while, your planet will be transformed enough to become almost unrecognizable according to your present standards of living.
The intensity of Light is increasing daily. This will assist you in the great transformation that is needed in your passage into the most awesome and greatest adventure of all of your lifetimes together. The bottom line is ” you will have to embrace your Christhood or get off the planet.” For this, you will be given more assistance than ever before.
This is the meaning of the second coming. All life on Earth will soon return to the original perfection it was endowed with at the beginning of Her creation. There are other planets like Earth where people are still enjoying separation from God and the way of violence. There will be many new alternative choices for the souls who decide to stay behind.
What does this have to do with our emergence? Beloved brothers and sisters, we are looking forward to joining with you as much as you are with us. We will not come to the surface until the majority of the people on this planet have embraced love, compassion and harmlessness towards all life forms and all kingdoms. It will also be required that a certain percentage of the population, not yet determined, will be aware of our emergence and welcome it. These are two main factors that will determine the time of our emergence, and there are several other considerations that will also come into play.
With the events that will soon be surfacing for all of you, we hope that by 2006 to 2007 or shortly after, there will be enough positive changes in the heart of humanity, and the political scene, that we could begin to emerge to the surface in greater numbers to assist you, along with your Earth Mother, in going the rest of the way on your ascension process.
When you are tempted to ask us dates for our emergence, we turn the question back to you by asking you if you have yet met the requirements. Dear ones, when will you and the collective be ready to receive us? It is really up to you to do your homework and prepare yourself and others who are open for the awesome experience of our emergence among you.
Do you have an emergence plan?
Yes, we certainly do. We have an emergence plan that must remain undisclosed, one that will unfold with top secrecy and in a clandestine way. At first, in various places, we will meet secretly with small groups of people to give them direct teachings and transmissions of our love and energies. These small groups will then go out and transmit our teachings to others who are ready and willing to hear. As more people become ready to meet with us, the circle of those with whom we will meet will become greater and gradually grow to large groups.
As this momentum grows, more of us will come out to assist. When enough of these groups are formed around the planet, and their members have kept their covenant with us, we will then gradually allow more and more people to meet directly with us, until we have totally emerged among you.
It might also please you to know that several of our people are already doing wondrous work in your dimension to prepare the way. None of them are allowed yet to identify themselves to ” surface” folks. They are here incognito, and this is the way it must remain for the time being. Unless your vibration, alignment and motivation resonate with a fifth dimensional consciousness, they will not contact you. Many of you are under the impression that we will come in your vibration, but this is not the case.
The second wave of our greater emergence will not
take place in the third dimensional frequency.
The rest of us are not planning to lower our vibration to your level. Except for those who are already living in that level of vibration, though we will be tangible among you, not everyone will be able to see and interact with us directly. Understand that we may be physical, but we vibrate at a frequency that is much higher and faster than yours, thus invisible to most of you as yet. Until then, it is your job to raise your vibration and consciousness at least two-thirds of the way to meet ours. This means that you will have to elevate your vibration to almost a fifth dimensional level in order to meet us consciously.
This indicates that when a greater number of us will be mingling casually among you, at first, there will be those who will perceive and see us, just as tangibly as you see and perceive each other. There will, however, be the majority who will not. Gradually, it will come to pass that more and more ” surface” folks will raise their vibration to the desired level, and will join the ranks of those who can see and interact with us.
We will then have an engagement together, if you choose to meet the conditions. With open hearts, we are waiting your readiness. We bless you and hold each one of you very dear in our souls.
I am Adama.
Read MoreTelos Codes of Entry – by Adama

Channeled through Aurelia Louise Jones
From those of you who have become aware of our existence beneath Mount Shasta, we feel your great longing to come to Telos and meet us face to face. We feel your great desire to experience the wonders and magic of an enlightened civilization. We feel your longing to reconnect with your former family members who are living in Telos or elsewhere in the New Lemuria.
On the inner plane, we are hearing your call, “When can we come to visit Telos”? “When will the doors of Telos be opened to surface dwellers”?
Beloved ones, we want to share with you that your long wait is almost over. We foresee that approximately within 5 years from now, we will start inviting small groups of surface dwellers to come for a visit. We would like you to experience what can be accomplished on the surface when the majority of the surface population adopts our way of life. You will acquire a totally new perspective of how wonderful life on this planet can become if lived according to divine principles and true brotherhood.
It is important for you to realize that at first and for quite some time, the visitations will be made by personal invitations only. Do not be concerned how these invitations will come about, when your turn to be “on the list” comes, we will have many avenues to make our invitation known to you, no matter where you live. Because we live in a fifth dimensional awareness and perfection while maintaining a level of physicality, we have a rather strict code of entry that all those who will be invited will have to meet first. Be assured that your personal invitation will not be forthcoming until you meet the requirements of that code of entry.
To explain in detail the full implication of our requirements is not the purpose of this message. Nevertheless, let me give you a general overview of what will be required.
First of all, only those who have attained close to a 5th dimensional awareness in their consciousness will be qualified. This means that they will have to embrace unconditional love for Self and for others as well as for all parts of life and all kingdoms. The duality consciousness will have to be unified at least to a 90% degree. The way of harmlessness will have to be embraced in every area of your life. I leave it up to you to probe into your heart as to what this all means. This is your homework dear ones. It will lead you to Selfdiscovery, to the wonders of who you really are that have eluded you for so very long.
Secondly, you will have to clear and heal your emotional body of all negativity, past and present. This means that all past records of pain, anger, grief, guilt, sorrows, trauma, shame, addictions, hopelessness, low selfesteem, negative imprints, miasms, etc, will have to be embraced and released from your subconscious mind, solar plexus and emotional body. Because the high energy frequency vibration of Telos, any emotions or thoughtform outpicturing less than divine love would be amplified over a thousand times in your mind and feeling. We know that unless you have diligently cleared those records, this could be traumatic and it would not be possible for you to stay in our vibration for more than a few minutes.
Thirdly, only those who have completed their seventh spiritual initiation will be eligible for our codes of entry. On this planet, the Office of the Christ under Lord Maitreya and Lord Sananda, (known as your beloved Jesus in his earth ministry 2000 years ago), is the place where you can apply to receive these initiations on the inner planes. Most of you are not consciously aware that these initiations take place on the inner planes but nevertheless, they are taking place by how you live your daily life and unfold your consciousness regarding all aspects of your life. Passing those initiations and moving on to ascension and spiritual freedom has been the goal of all your many life times on this planet and that goal has eluded you, seemingly for thousands of years. The seventh initiation is certainly not the end of your evolution on this planet, but our codes of entry require for the candidate to come to Telos that he/she has attained at least that level. With the new dispensations these initiations can be completed faster now than ever before in the history of earth’s evolution. What used to take thousands of years to achieve, you can now accomplish, if you choose, within the next 5 years.
For each specification we have just mentioned there are many more ramifications. It is not our desire to make you feel that these goals are unattainable and leave you hopeless. We know that you can all do this in the required time. There are several thousand people on this planet who have already reached these levels of initiations and beyond in the last few years. You may find them among some of the people you meet daily in your entourage. It is not necessarily obvious. Those who have attained and know it, usually keep this information to themselves. Many more are constantly adding to the ranks of those who are achieving. We mention these requirements to you because there are many of you who are already familiar with us but are not aware that there are codes of entry to come to Telos. Everyone who enters our doors, no matter who they are and where they come from, need to meet the level of spiritual development needed to be introduced to a fifth dimensional vibration.
As you diligently do your spiritual work and gain momentum on your path of ascension, you will soon come much closer to these goals. As you open your heart to love, you will find that they are much easier to attain than the difficult situations in your lives you have been experiencing. The refinement that these initiations will bring to your consciousness will open the doors for you not only of Telos, but also of the New Lemuria, places of magic and wonders.
Remember always that Love is the key, dear ones. Love will open all doors to you as you start embodying that Love that you are and quickly propel yourself on the highest level of your pathway to your limitless spiritual freedom. From Love you came and to Love you now return.
I am Adama, your Lemurian brother; I wait for you on the other side of the initiations of your Christhood.
Read MoreMarriages in Telos – by Adama

Channeled through Aurelia Louise Jones
Many of you are wondering about how we view our romantic relationships, and if we have marriages and families like yours in Telos.
Since we live very long lives and our potential to have large families is great, careful planning for the benefit of all is of utmost importance. Unlike surface folks, no one is allowed to start a family in Telos until they have gained the maturity and the readiness to initiate such an important step. We do not allow children birthing children, so to speak, like you do on the surface.
We have two different types of marriages in our society. The first one is a ” bonded” type of marriage where two people who are attracted to each other romantically decide to unite in a bonded marriage union that is not considered necessarily permanent. They get married and live together to learn from and with each other, to grow in maturity together, to experience life, and to enjoy each other to the fullest. And this, they do only as long as they are both deeply happy and satisfied with the relationship. There is no obligation for them to stay together, and these unions are not necessarily a lifetime commitment.
Couples engaged in a bonded marriage are not allowed to have children. The raising of children is not the primary goal of these marriages. These marriages may last anywhere from a few short years to several hundred years or longer. Birth control is not an issue for us. The birth of a child is considered a very precious and grand event for the incoming soul, and a child or a baby is conceived by “invitation” only. We have no such thing as an unwanted pregnancy in our society. A woman in Telos would get pregnant only by intention to do so, and only after serious and well-planned preparations.
In a “bonded” marriage, couples may end their relationship at any time they wish, without hurt and obligations toward each other, and start another relationship if they wish. This way, no one stays in a relationship for the wrong reason like you do on the surface. Every couple in Telos is very happy because there is no reason to stay together unless there is a deep love and satisfaction to be with each other. It would be unthinkable for any of us to consider staying in a relationship unless there is total harmony and fulfillment. These marriages are considered part of the many experiences that life and evolution offer. When a couple feel they have come to the completion of their time together, they thank each other for the time they have spent together on the path of life, and they move on; always remaining very good friends with each other thereafter. All they need to do is to apply to the Lemurian Council of Telos for dissolution of their marriage, and it is always granted without any dilemma.
Our second type of marriage is a “committed marriage”. It is only in this type of marriage that couples are permitted to have children, and apply to bring a new soul into the community. After a couple has been involved in a “bonded” marriage for several decades or a few hundred years, they may decide that they have experienced each other long enough, they know with absolute certainty that their love for each other is so flawless and long-lasting, that they now wish to make a lifetime commitment to each other.
Since we have become immortals, a lifetime commitment for us would normally mean a very long time in our society, extending into thousands of years. In a committed marriage, there is no more dissolution of the marriage that you would term a divorce. It is no longer an option. For this reason, a couple already in a bonded marriage for a long time has to be very sure of their decision toward each other before they would choose to engage in what is considered a permanent relationship. They stay together until such a time that one of them or both are ready to move on to a higher realm of evolution or service. In this case, one or both would leave Telos to go to the planet or level of their choice. This would happen only after a very long time of their life together, and after their original family has matured to a few generations.
In this type of marriage, one, two or sometimes three children may be born. The gestation period for the mother-to-be is 12 weeks only. The couple has already lived together a very long time in a bonded marriage. They have done and accomplished whatever they wanted to do and experience together as a couple. They are now ready for the next step, having gained enough maturity and know-how to hold such a privilege and honor of staring a family if they wish.
In our society, we have no orphans, nor children who are abandoned or raised with the difficulties a single parent has to face on the surface. Our family life is so carefully and wisely planned, that our children never have to suffer such traumas as being unwanted, neglected or abused. Each child is considered a precious gift from God, loved and honored not only by the parents, but also by the whole of our community. Our civilization is fully aware of the sacredness of the role of bringing forth children, and this undertaking is never taken lightly and without appropriate training. Only to our more mature and more evolved people is the privilege of bringing forth children granted, giving birth to noble and more advanced souls; thus perpetuating an enlightened civilization.
Read MoreWe Have Immortalized Our Bodies – by Adama

Channeled through Aurelia Louise Jones
Greetings Beloved Ones,
I Am Adama, high priest of Telos. I am communicating with you from our subterranean city underneath Mount Shasta. The Lemurian Council of Twelve of Telos, including myself, would like to express our gratitude to be offered this wonderful opportunity to commune with many of you as you read our message.
For those of you who are not yet familiar with us, let me explain that the inhabitants of Telos are nothing less than the present-day survivors of the lost continent of Lemuria. Telos has become a most wondrous and magical city of Light, and has been our home since the destruction of our continent. Yes, we are still here, alive and “real” until this day. Although almost three hundred million of our people perished in the blast, twenty five thousand of us survived. Today you could count almost one and a half million of us living beneath our sacred mountain.
Beloved ones, we are your brothers and sisters, your loyal friends and family from your Lemurian past, and we are still connected with all of you through the love of our hearts. As we open wide our hearts to you, we ask you to open your hearts to us as well. We invite you to focus in communicating with us as often as you wish. We have the ability to bring much healing to the various aspects of your lives that need to come into greater balance. Be assured that we are always willing, able and ready to assist you in so many ways. By opening your heart and minds to us, we can assist you in ways that can bring rapid transformation in your lives that otherwise could take much longer to attain. We know that you all enjoy shortcuts, and interacting with us consciously will assist you in creating many shortcuts in your lives that will ease your burdens and accelerate your spiritual progress.
Many of you are asking the question if we are still physical in ways that we can be seen and touched. Others argue that we are totally etheric, meaning that we no longer have bodies that are visually physical and tangible in your dimension. For the sake of clarity, let me explain that we have now become fifth dimensional beings. Just as it was in the glorious time of the Lemurian civilization, we maintain a fifth dimensional awareness. Our bodies have attained a state of immortality and perfection. We have chosen to retain enough density in them to remain visible and tangible while experiencing no limitations of any kind. The divine solar blueprint of our bodies is the same as yours. Our DNA is also the same as yours was before you were dragged and manipulated into such great density as you have been experiencing on the surface for a very long time. This means that our DNA has become far more evolved than yours is now. Our physical bodies have never degenerated and mutated as yours have. We have the ability to ride the third, fourth and fifth dimensions at will, and this gives us much flexibility, freedom and delight.
Our physical bodies have attained the level of perfection that you are all hoping for. Therefore, we function at a much higher frequency than you do. Our physical bodies function with the perfection it was always intended by our Creator. Basically, your bodies and our bodies have the same potential; they were created with the same divine blueprint template. This means beloved ones, that in a few short years, as your awareness shifts from the limitations and judgments of the third dimensional frequency to the awareness and unconditional love of the fifth dimension, you will all learn to raise your bodies’ frequency as we have. You will gradually experience the delights of seeing, feeling and experiencing your physical bodies transforming right in front of your very eyes increment by increment, within a relative short time. It will be unique for each person. You will release all your old limiting beliefs that have kept you in pain, suffering and lack. You will start experiencing the return of your bodies rejuvenating and functioning according to your original blueprint of solar perfection with many more attributes added to it.
For several eras of golden ages including the time of Lemuria, we were all living in a fifth dimension awareness with bodies that could switch back and forth between fifth and third dimension frequency. This was a lot of fun and exciting for a very long time until a succession of many events on this planet caused almost the entire earth population to become permanently caught in a third dimension awareness, no longer able to reconnect with their fifth dimensional reality.
Soon, as you evolve your consciousness into the LOVE frequency and are able to maintain it there, your physical bodies will shed their present level of density, and the former “magic” you once knew in the time of Lemuria will be, once again, yours to enjoy and experiment with. Your bodies will become immortal and limitless. And this time, dear ones, the magic will be much greater because you have experienced your lives for so very long without that magic, and your lives have been very difficult. You have learned much since those gifts were lost to your awareness and ability. And because you have suffered for so long and your souls have learned great lessons, you will never again take for granted the gift of immortality and divine perfection in all aspects of your lives.
We send you our Love and our Friendship from Telos.
I Am Adama, your friend from long ago.
Animals in Telos – by Adama

Channeled through Aurelia Louise Jones
In Telos, we have many species of animals that we saved from extinction. When we knew that our continent was going to be destroyed, and we built our underground city to preserve our lives and all ancient records of our civilization, we also saved a few of every species of animals that were in existence at the time. In this regard, we can be compared as an earlier, but much more extensive version of the biblical story of Noah who saved in the Arch two members of each species. Most of these species are still alive and in our care to this day, except for those who have chosen as a species to return to their place of origin.
The demise of Lemuria happened at least 1500 years prior to the sinking of Atlantis, and the number of species we saved was much larger, by far, in number than the one recorded in your bible history as the final sinking of Atlantis. At the time of the sinking of Atlantis, many of the species of animals present prior to the destruction of our continent were already extinct from the surface.
We say to you that animals embody again and again, just like you do. Their embodiments are always extensions of a much larger whole. All of us, including the animals, are extensions of a vast Being of Light, so vast and so wondrous, that you will stand in absolute wonderment the day you open up to the understanding of your true Divinity. It is referred to as the concept of multi-dimensionality, a concept that remains very difficult to be fully comprehended by the limitations of a third-dimensional mind.
God in his great Love and Nature of constantly creating is forever extending and expanding Himself in a wider and wider spectrum of various manifestations. The animal kingdom is just one among many of these infinite expansions. All are part of God, dear ones, ALL. When you allow yourself to hurt one part of Life (God) you are hurting the whole, including yourself.
On the Inner Planes, all animals have great intelligence, and they are very different than you could ever imagine in your current awareness. Some of them rule worlds and planets. Animals live in many dimensions. All animals have an over-soul or a higher-self just like all humans do, but it is of a slightly different nature. The difference is that they are created to be part of another kingdom than you are. Thus, they are also extensions of a much larger body of consciousness, another aspect of Divinity.
Consciousness extends itself from the highest levels of the Godhead to the lowest level of the first dimension of the rocks and minerals. All are God in various expressions.
The higher the dimension, the greater is the understanding of Love and the more expanded the awareness. Animals are sharing your planet with you because, just like you, they have chosen to come here to have a third-dimensional experience. They have also come as helpers and teachers to assist mankind in ways you do not yet understand. Because they chose to come in a body that is different than yours, it does not make them inferior to you. Even if they were, there is no moral and spiritual justification for the way so many animals are presently being treated on the Earth’s surface. Their bodies are just an overtone lower than yours in your third-dimensional expression.
Let’s be clear on that. There is not the difference you have been led to believe for so very long. Many humans on the surface have used this excuse as a passport for animal exploitation.
In your limited understanding, you have allowed yourself to see many species of animals become commodities for selfish means or for profit. We say this is not what or who they are. The golden rule needs to be applied for all sentient beings, not just for the human kingdom. If you wish to move forward on the platform of your own evolution, you can achieve it only by according unconditional love in words, thoughts, feelings and deeds toward all life forms and all kingdoms living on this planet.
Love is the only key.
There is none other. There is not a speck of creation that has not manifested through love. Thus, there is not a speck of creation that you can choose “not to love” if you wish to move forward.
In the spirit world, animals function from the fourth and fifth-dimensional levels. They are all connected to a higher body of Light. All humans are also connected to their own Higher-Selves, referred to as their “I AM Presence,” existing in higher dimensions and also living in the heart of each one.
The Higher-Self of your being, your own God-Self, is a glorious, great intelligent, powerful being of unlimited perfection and splendor. This is really who you truly are. Your third-dimensional life on Earth reflects only a very small portion of the Divinity of who you truly are.
In creation and in the Higher Realms, there is no such thing as lesser, lower, better than, not so good as, etc. These are all labels of limited human awareness. All are equally loved, and considered as expressions of God in constant motion (evolution). There is a difference between you and the animals, but it is not what you have been led to believe. My friends, in the subterranean cities, we have much respect for animals and we consider them as our younger brothers and sisters on the ladder of evolution. We treat them with the same consideration we would like to receive for ourselves.
Let’s say that in a human family, for example, there are 10 children. Would you say that the younger ones are inferior to the older ones just because they have less life experience, and do not yet know as much as the older ones? Would you say that the younger ones are not deserving to be treated with as much love and consideration because they were born later than you and can be rightfully abused, just because they are not yet as developed as the older ones?
I would think not, because you know very well that in a few years they will catch up. So it is, my friends, with the animals. In the hierarchy or family of the body of the One God, the animals who share our planet are the younger members. It is my expectation that you will understand the point I am trying to make. Everything in creation has consciousness, from the greatest to the smallest. Ultimately, all are considered equal.
As I mentioned before, we have in our care in Telos a large number of species of animals that have been extinct from Earth’s surface for a very long time. Other civilizations who have been underground longer than we have also hold in their care a large number of animal species who have been extinct from the surface much longer. We have many species of cats of all sizes. Their sizes vary between five to six pounds to several hundred pounds. We have species of dogs and horses who are more evolved than the ones you know on the surface, and who will bring you much delight when they will eventually be allowed to emerge among you.
Most of our animals are larger than the ones you now have. For example, many of the big cats are almost twice the size of the ones on the surface. Many horses are larger, but some have retained a size that you will really be able to enjoy.
Our animals are very dear to us. Be assured that they will not be released into your hands until violence is totally eliminated from your world.
- All of our animals are gentle and have never been exposed to negativity or violence of any sort. Anyone can walk up to any of them in total safety, and cuddle with them.
- None of our animals have any fear of humans, neither do they kill nor eat each other. They are all vegetarians.
- Our animals have never been hunted or caged. They are allowed to live their full lifespan, which is much longer than surface animals.
Be assured that we will not take the chance of releasing any of them to the surface civilizations as long as there is the slightest possibility for any of them to be hurt or receive less love than they are accustomed to be receiving here.
We recognize the unique intelligence each species of animal comes with, and we have no need ever to try bringing them into any level of submission. They are docile and willing to please. Telepathic communication is all that is needed for us to have total cooperation with them.
On behalf of all civilizations of the Earth Within, I say to you that it is with great joy and anticipation that we will watch all of you, our dear brothers and sisters, open your minds and hearts to the animal kingdom and start changing the way you have been perceiving and treating them.
We send you our Love, our Light and our Friendship. We are very much looking forward to the time of our emergence to the surface, to be once again with you, to shake your hands and to teach you what we have learned from living for thousands of years in the vibration of Love, Peace and Brotherhood without the interference of wars, control, greed, fear, manipulation and endless bureaucracy.
The time is soon at hand for our two civilizations to unite in the spirit of a grand cosmic family after thousands of years of physical separation. When we emerge from our subterranean abodes, through a maze of tunnels leading to every country and city of the planet, it will be a time of great rejoicing for all those who will open their hearts and minds to receive us.
It will be for the “deliverance” of your struggles, pains and sorrows. Our intentions will be to help you create the kind of life you have been longing for so very long. Together, we will forge a very bright future for all of us, citizens of the New Earth. It will be a win-win situation for all. We are your senior brothers and sisters, and we love you all very dearly.
I Am Adama, your Lemurian Brother.
Read MoreThe Temple of Union – by Adama and Ahnahmar

Channeled through Aurelia Louise Jones
Greetings and Blessings, this is Adama from Telos. I am here today with Ahnahmar, one of our elders from Telos who has been living here since the beginning of our life underground a little over 12,000 years ago. One can say that Ahnahmar lived on the surface for over two thousand years prior to the loss of our continent, and he has maintained the same youthful body for about 14,000 years of your time. He is very tall, energetic and handsome, looking around 35 to 38 years of age.
During the time of Lemuria, Ahnahmar and his twin flame built a temple of wondrous beauty called “The Temple of Union”. This temple was built in honor of the Love and Union of Twin Flames. Ahnahmar with his twin flame have been the guardians of that unfed flame of Immortal Love for the planet ever since. I now step back to allow Ahnahmar to continue.
Ahnahmar continues:
Blessings and love to all those who will read this message. In the time of Lemuria, most men and women were sharing their lives with their beloved twin flames. That majestic temple was the location where wedding ceremonies took place. Couples adorned themselves with great beauty and elegance to consecrate their “Union” with the energies of the unfed flame of Immortal Love. Although this flame of Love has been extinguished from the surface with the sinking of Lemuria, it has been preserved on this planet in the Temple of Union who was lifted up in its entirety into a 4th dimensional vibration when our continent was destroyed.
This temple still exists to this day in the area near Mount Shasta in the same location it used to be, and is now vibrating at a 5th dimensional frequency. Although the former physical structure no longer exists in your 3rd dimension and cannot be seen in your reality, be assured that it is very real and tangible to us. The temple is very active and continues to this day to perform all the functions it was intended to do from the time it was built. This temple dwells in the crystal city of Light that exists in the etheric in the area of Mount Shasta, extending itself close to 40 miles in diameter. You have been promised that this wondrous Lemurian city will eventually be lowered into a more physical expression, and many of you will be able to see and enter it. You are asking when this is going to happen. The exact time is still unknown to us. We anticipate that it will be towards the end of this decade. When this happens, this temple, along with all other wonders that the crystal city holds, will be available to those who will match that vibration in their spiritual development.
Aurelia, known to you as Louise Jones, who had involvement with this temple in the time of Lemuria, rediscovered the location of that temple a couple years ago while taking walks within a couple miles of her home in the Mount. Shasta area. At first, she tuned in that this was a very special place but could not unveil the mystery. For reasons unknown to her, she felt very drawn to return frequently to our area for walks and meditations. Several times a week, we watched her walking up the hill. It was always with delight and joy, especially the first time, that we saw her coming. We waited for the day we could communicate with her more directly. Unknown to her outer mind, each time she came, she received on the inner plane our warm welcome along with much attention and love from us.
It had been several thousands of years since we had any kind of opportunity to communicate consciously with any surface person in that location. There are those living in that area who also come to the hill for walks from time to time, but none of them ever had any kind of awareness as to what this location represents. More clarity was eventually offered to our friend Aurelia about the nature of her favorite location for which she felt such a strong attraction. Her love and high degree of respect for the sacredness of that place allowed us to unveil ourselves to her more openly and reveal a greater measure of her former involvement with us in the Temple of Union.
We have an eventual plan for that location and we hope that in a near future this sacred site can be unveiled to the public. We envision that in two to three years from now, a small temple will be built there where wedding ceremonies and spiritual development classes will be held under our sponsorship. We also know that, very soon, many couples will be guided to come here to consecrate their wedding ceremonies with the energies of our Temple.
Aurelia recently performed a wedding ceremony in that location, (November 1st. 2001) enrolling our full presence and the presence of the Light Realm. It was the first time since the sinking of Lemuria that a wedding ceremony took place in the physical octave directly in the location where our 5th dimensional Temple of Union is situated. This was a most joyous moment for us, and we offered our full support. I, Ahnahmar totally merged with her during the ceremony.
Unknown to her outer mind at the time, she was setting herself up for a wonderful experience. Following her inner guidance, she suggested that special location to a twin flame couple who wanted her to officiate their wedding ceremony. The Telosians along with the Lemurian Council and the beings of the Light Realm were very happy with this event. Literally hundreds of thousands of us, running into the millions from the invisible realm attended this wedding in our etheric bodies. In a way, it was fortunate that she could not see us all because it could have been quite intimidating, considering the size of the crowd attending. It seems that every one from Telos and the Light Realm were there, applauding the reactivation of the flame of Love of Twin Flames from our temple into the physical octave.
It was only after the wedding that we unveiled to her more information about the true nature of the temple and the wonderful activation that took place for the planet during the ceremony. By following her heart and inner guidance, we were amused to see how she provided for us the opportunity to create this wondrous opening into the physical plane. The scenario we had been waiting for so long unfolded in a perfect sequence without her having any clue of what was really going on besides a wedding ceremony. This too made us all smile.
Many of you have discovered that marriage relationships have often been devastating, bringing more stress and disappointment than joy and sustained happiness. The reason for this is that stressful relationships are based on duality rather than the oneness of divine Love. Unless a relationship is based on that oneness, it can never fulfill the longing of the heart that you have so deeply felt.
Now allow me to lecture you a little. As the guardian of the Unfed Fame of Love, I have watched you on the surface in your relationships for a very long time. For those of you looking for your beloved somewhere else outside of yourself, let me say that this is not the way it will come. Your beloved is also part of you. He or she may have a body in the outer world, but meeting that one when one is not fully ready for that initiation is a bit tricky. It is not often for the best of your interest because the experience of third dimension does not always offer this compatibility of character and spirit unless both parties have reached the same level of readiness and evolution.
Listen to me well dear ones. Look for that one inside of you first in every cell and atom of your heart and soul and begin to develop a relationship with that one. That one is Self, your divine counterpart. It lives within you. The relationship that you are seeking is nothing more than the reflection of your own relationship with your own divine Self. When you learn to love yourself in every aspect of your essence, every aspect of your divinity, every aspect of your human experience, and that divine love for Self becomes the ruler of your heart and life, you will no longer look anywhere else. You will know that you have found it. It will not really matter what form it takes, your heart will feel full and satisfied.
At that stage of development of your spiritual life, the mirror or reflection of that state of perfect love for Self cannot do otherwise than manifest itself tangibly in your life. This is divine law and cannot fail you. If you do not have it, it means that you are not there yet. Mind you, it will show up in your life in divine timing, and the wait, if there is a waiting period for you, will not matter because you know that you have already united in your heart with the object of your yearning and your love. You will know the divine complement or twin flame that you have been looking for, that divine perfect union will manifest in one way or the other.
In the higher dimensions, beings have already attained this perfection of divine love otherwise they would be where you are. When you attain the perfection of this divine love, you will be lifted up in the higher realm and you will be in that perfect union with that one that has eluded you for so very long. It can also happen in your 3rd dimensional reality. Once you have attained this state of divine love in your heart, nothing can be withheld from you, not even your twin flame.
In the name of divine love, may I suggest to you that you start now looking for your beloved within your own Self. This is the quickest way to be united with your twin flame. You won’t have to put ads in the paper to find her or him or go to single’s clubs. He or she will literally fall on your lap, and you will not be able to avoid it.
May you meet all your tests in the embrace of divine Love! It is my pleasure to invite you to come to my temple at night where I give classes for those desiring to reunite with their twin flames. I am not offering to become a matchmaker as you call it in your language. We are willing to assist you in reconnecting with that wondrous part of Self that you abandoned a long time ago; that very part that will magnetize your beloved and everything else you desire in your life. We will not magnetize your beloved for you, but we will show you how to accomplish this for yourself. We will teach you the true meaning of the word “Union”.
Before you go to sleep at night, ask your guides to bring you to the Temple of Union to attend our classes. My underground crew and I will be there to receive you. I promise that we will have a delightful time together. If you don’t remember, do not worry. With the thinning of the veil, many more of you will soon start remembering your many and delightful nightly adventures.
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